That's one of your favorite defenses, but it really isn't true. History and Scripture prove Preterism.
No, they DON'T. I have repeatedly asked you to show us the occurrence of the eschatological events in history, and you can't, either saying they're symbolic, or this-n-that are fulfillments when they had nothing to do with it.
The only safety net for Futurism is that we can't "disprove" something that is supposedly in our future. It's just as much fantasy as Star Trek. Entertaining, but fictitious.
Easy to predict some things. if I jump put a 10th story window, it's easy to predict I'm gonna have a hard landing. Everything Jesus said was gonna happen bck then did, to the letter, so it's easy to predict that the rest of what He said is gonna happen, just as surely & completely.
The end of your partial pret doctrine is several things. One is that Jesus said He'd return IMMEDIATELY AFTER the end of the great trib. So, if the great trib ended in 70 AD, He's LONG-overdue! Another is that the world still goes on, as it did in 65 AD, 70 AD, & 71 AD.
Quite the opposite. Revelation is a series of visions of events which would destroy the world if they were literally true.
Not if controlled by GOD.
Scripture records the miracles of Balaam's donkey, resurrection of Lazarus, etc. The sun didn't just appear to temporarily reverse its course, but literally happened.
No, the earth's rotation was temporarily altered.
None of those events were visions, but are Biblical history. Prophecy is filled with symbolic language. We know that God never literally rode a cloud (Isaiah 19:1). God doesn't literally have chariots like a whirlwind (Jer 4:13).
How do you KNOW what God has or doesn't have? And what can He NOT do? (Not what He WON'T do!)
The moon has never literally become blood (Joel 2:31) On the last one, even you admit this probably means that it just looked like blood. I disagree, but the point is that we both know this did not literally happen.
The ancients didn't know what happened to the moon during a lunar eclipse. And more than one smoke cloud or volcanic dust cloud has made the moon appear blood-colored.
Prophecy books are big sellers for Christians. We could say the same for LaHaye, Hitchcock, and lots of others. Would you say the same regarding any other authors when they write books concerning doctrines which you disagree with? Are you opposed to all Christian authors writing commentaries to support their views, or just the views you disagree with?
In the USA & in most democracies, people have almost-complete freedom of speech, long is it's not threatening, treasonous, etc. In religious matters, it's almost unlimited in the USA. I would never attempt to silence someone writing religious views I don't agree with, but I HAVE THE SAME RIGHT T
PPOSE THEM AS THEY HAVE TO EXPRESS THEM! And I'll continue to exercise that right.
I notice you avoid the issue of how Futurists change the meaning of words to make them fit your viewpoint. Did the Holy Spirit tell you to believe Chuck Missler and Mark Hitchcock over what the Scripture actually says? I just turn your arguments around.
We have unbiased history on our side, while prets must invent stuff.
The fact that all you've seen is eisegesis, opinion, & guesswork is because that's all you choose to see. I'm sure we would probably agree on most other doctrines, but we will always disagree on our views of eschatology. I doubt you will ever change your view, and I assure you that I am 100% convinced of the Partial Preterist view.
I suggest you PRAY & CLOSELY STUDY SOME HISTORY. I several HISTORICAL FACTS about Nero PROVING he was NOT the beast, but you still say he was cus your guru Gentry says he was. As I said, I have historical fact, while all a pret has is opinion and guesswork.