I am glad we can disagree on this and remain civil. Scripture is inspired, but our interpretations of Scripture are not. I must admit that I do wonder when governments talk about putting a chip into the hands of their citizens so they can prove they have been vaccinated against COVID-19. I could not obey such a command, as it's too similar to the mark of the beast in Revelation.
3 years ago we were decrying the Chinese social credit system of total and technological control over its population.
We saw Chinese using their phones taking pictures of a strange QR mark outside every building and QR codes on every item they purchased. All of this information on movement and purchases is sent to central data banks and scrutinised by algorithms which determine whether your social credit rating as a citizen is raised of lowered. Some Chinese dissidents are now locked down in their own homes, their low social credit score prevents them from catching a bus or train or buy normal food items.
They stay at home and eat gruel, and even friends and family members that associate or help them have their social credit score destroyed, putting them in the same predicament.
They may well ask the question “ Who can fight the Beast?”
Now we have seamlessly and without much fuss adopted this technology on most places in the western world and on earth.
Covid 19 was the pretext for mandates, vaccine passports, lockdowns, mass destruction of small business and countless job losses. The elderly isolated from grandchildren and dying alone and afraid in huge numbers. Priests and pastors arrested for having services, censorship and authoritarianism.
As these controls become global we can see a beast of a system being established where control is not even at a national level but centralised elsewhere.
All we need after these variant plagues is famine ( as the supply chain is getting worse, it’s more likely ) with food being offered as wages at some point, if you are marked in the system. Then a glorious world leader pokes his head out to solve the world’s problems.
Look at the recurring themes in scripture, look how evil establishes itself in every age, look at the commonality between them, then look around you in this present day.