I would add churches purchasing buildings, adding on to existing buildings, buying busses, etc. Is that wrong too?
Oh oh. Don't get me going on the amount of money spent on such things. A simple pole barn will keep the rain out. The money spent on buildings and property is sinful! Sell it all and send the money to missions. Build a brush arbor.
Case in point. A man I knew 30 years ago was a career Marine officer. He received orders for Adak Alaska, an island in the Aleutians. The island was home to Adak Naval Air Station (now closed) and about 1500 sailors manning the station, and about the same number of native people.
His wife and three kids went with him and lived in government housing. But there was no church. There was a Chaplain but he was Roman Catholic.
On Sunday morning they all got up, got dressed in their Sunday clothes, but didn't have anywhere to go. The middle child, Charles (who was 6), grabbed his dad's bible, laid it in his dad's lap, and said, "Daddy, I guess you will have to do it." They sang a few kid's songs. He read a passage of scripture and made comments from their daily devotional booklet.
The next Sunday they were gathered again in the living room, but Charles was gone! They waited a few minutes and he showed up with 11 kids from the neighborhood in tow. The next week some of the kids brought their parents.
When his three year tour of duty was over there were 150 people meeting in the garage and sitting under the car port and listening through the garage windows. They all brought their own folding chairs.
When he got back to the US he resigned his commission (after 16 years) and has been pastoring ever since. When the church grows out of the simple pole barn where they meet they don't have a building program. They call for volunteers to go across town and become the core group of a new church plant. The last time I talked to him they had done that 9 times. 3 times in their own town and 6 times in neighboring towns. And not a fancy building to be found.