This is more of a rant / vent session than of anything else, so please bear with me.....
I recently spent almost eight weeks in either the hospital (1.5 weeks) or a nursing home (six weeks) rehabbing a foot that had to have surgery due to a MRSA infection, and undergoing a six week "intensive" antibiotic regimen to fight the MRSA virus. While laid up for all that time, I couldn't make it to my church in person, so I would watch the Sunday morning services online. Not the best way to "do church," but it was better than nothing.
One early Sunday morning, I was talking with a friend about watching church services online, and he said his church also streams their service (thru Facebook), and invited me to "tune in," so to speak. My friend attends an Assemblies of God church, and although I'm not a big fan of the AOG or its doctrines, I told him I would take a look at the service. My church's early service starts at 9:00am (later service is at 11:00am) and is usually over by 10:20am or so. My friend's church has only one service, which starts at 10:30am, so the timing worked out okay to where I could watch his service right from the beginning.
It started out okay, I guess. They started with a few lively and upbeat worship songs, and then someone got up and made some announcements. After that, it was time to do the "meet-n-greet" (as I call it) and to collect the tithes and offerings. Upon completion of that, the pastor got up and asked if anyone had a "word from the Lord?" Although all of the "live mics" seemed to be up front, you could hear someone in the congregation speaking in "tongues." When she finished, there was about a 30 second pause and then you could hear someone else giving the interpretation. While I know that takes place in charismatic churches, it still bugged me for some reason...and I guess it still does, thus this post.
While I understand the need for "tongues and interpretations" during the time of the Apostles, I ascribe to the doctrine that tongues have since ceased. To my way of thinking, which I'll admit could be wrong, this whole notion of modern tongues and interpretation is highly inefficient. If God truly wanted to give a "word" thru someone, couldn't that "word" be given in plain old English (or whatever language is used in a particular church) instead of the "two-step" process of tongues first and then the interpretation? Seems like that would make more sense.
Anyway, after that, another song was sung and then the pastor got up and preached his sermon, which lasted about 40 minutes. There was a lot of emotion but, in my opinion, very little substance, to his message. When he was done, one final song was sung and then the closing prayer was prayed. In all, the service lasted close to two hours.
Later that afternoon, my friend called and asked if I watched the service, and I told him I did. When asked what I thought of it, I told him that I didn't agree with much of what I heard and saw, and "no offense intended, but I probably wouldn't attend your church in person, as I disagree with much of its doctrine." I asked him about the need for tongues and an interpretation if God truly wanted to give a word, and he just kind of hem-hawed around and never really did give an answer. I know I may be taking this verse slightly out of context, but so much for being "ready in season and out of season" (2 Timothy 4:2).
Anyway, like I said earlier, this still bugs me, even after a few weeks, so I'd thought I'd toss this out here to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you care to share them, that is.
Thanks for indulging my long winded rant. I appreciate it.