Sorry, I'm just going to answer this post. I believe the rest to be abandoning the OP. So I'm going to get back to straight exegesis.
The "rest" deals with the side issues that have arisen, the OP has been the focus in all of the posts.
Now, on to the exegesis.
So when you tell your congregation "Don't forsake the assembling of the brethren" you are not warning them against a course of action they should avoid?
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Sorry, I'm a grammar prof (Eng. 101 and Greek 101). The grammar of 10:25 is imperative not a warning.
So because you are a grammar professor you can exclude v.25 from v.26?
The warning comes after the "for" of v. 26. Warnings in Greek are "If...then" statements, not imperatives.
But it does not connect his statements prior to that to what he states in v.26?
You call it a poor hermeneutic when you are saying two things at once.
And that is really the focus of the OP: you are saying that he is saying two things at once.
And I am saying that is not the case, the same audience is receiving one message, not two.
Again, those who believe to the saving of the soul are not going to forsake the assembling of the brethren, reject Christ, count the Blood of Christ (His sacrifice, which is the primary intent of this chapter) an unholy thing, and do despite unto the Spirit of Grace.
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Of course "those who believe" can forsake the assembling, whether involuntarily (a paraplegic) or voluntarily (someone who becomes bitter).
And I have asked you several times, John...
...can true believers trod underfoot the Son of God, count the Blood of the Covenant wherewith He was sanctified an unholy thing, and do despite unto the Spirit of Grace?
I am sorry that you are through with this discussion, but even more sorry you have not answered this question.
What you are saying is that there were those who were/had...
...full assurance of faith"
"having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience"
"and our bodies washed with pure water."...
That could end up rejecting Christ.
In view is rejection, and as pointed out several times already it is not just sin believers commit, but apostasy in view.
It happens all the time.
It never happens for those who are born again.
Those who forsake the assembling of the brethren in apostate manner were never saved to begin with.