PS why don’t you quote the next verse in Acts 16?
Acts 16:30-34 KJV
[30] And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? [31] And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. [32] And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house. [33] And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway. [34] And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.
Notice the phrase “believing in God WITH ALL HIS HOUSE”. His household all believed, obviously this means no babies or children too young to make a decision of Faith in Christ.
Also here is the Knox Translation:
"and he, there and then, at dead of night, took them away to wash their wounds, and without delay he and all his were baptized."
What is the difference? Straightaway, or without delay, he and all his household, every living person he was responsible for, women, children and all those others living there with him in the average Roman household of a Roman member of the military guard which may also have included any other unmarried military men who either shared his rank or were his immediate inferiors, because they tended to live together in numbers for their military purposes. Individual soldiers of the Roamn Guard never lived alone. They either lived in a barracks like arrangement, where they were posted in groups or with other soldiers who had established households until they were married. That means he had many persons under his roof and was a very trusted man important to the Romans. He was a Gentile convert, who within a very short span of time went from his pagan roots to asking for salvation from St. Paul and Silas. He did not say the Jesus Prayer either. No. All he did was ask "What must I do to be saved." Baptism was given him and he accepted it not only for himself but for all those persons in his own home who minutes before were sleeping. This argument is two-fold. It has been proposed here that Baptism in NOT necessary for salvation and that only adults are to be Baptised, not children. I've provided Biblical and non-biblical supports for proof contrary to both proposals. They are unsustainable as sound teaching.
Jesus, who is Lord, Commanded that the Apostles Baptise and teach the whole world how to obey God and live the Christian life. They spent their entire adult lives doing so. If they hadn't do so, you wouldn't even know Christ. Could you at least give a bit of thanks for their works?
BTW, there still no sufficient answer to my
original question regarding the facts of the Resurrected Lord giving the Apostles the formula for Baptism, then sending them forth. If this was sending them to do something meaningless and unnecessary, what does it say about Jesus Christ? Do you think it is a fool's errand they were sent on? Here are His Words in the Knox Trans. "But Jesus came near and spoke to them; 'All authority in Heaven and on earth,' He said, 'has been given to me; you therefore, must go out, making disciples of all nations, and Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all the commandments which I have given you. And behold I am with you through the days that are coming, until the consummation of the world." Mt. 28:18-20
So, why is this wrong? Is God a fool sending other fools on a fool's errand that means nothing?
Now, some use the type of spirituality that helps them envision the Gospel accounts better and it is very popular these days. They place themselves
in the story so to speak. Imagine if you will the Resurrected Lord standing in your midst beyond a locked door that no one opened for Him. His disciples are trembling in fear of the maddened Jews who had just turned the hands of the Romans against Him having Him Crucified. They knew that those following Him were in grave danger for their lives. Yet there He is, Risen and glorious before them! He then
commands them to Baptise and reveals to them
the exact formula they are to use plus he also tells them it is for
all nations, not just Jews, eliminating all barriers to the Gospel for all. He is God and He is commanding certain things. Now, please tell Him you think He's wrong. Place yourself in that room in your mind and tell Him exactly what you are trying to tell me and others about Baptism being stupid and unnecessary and that you think a simple profession of some sort of belief would be better. You are standing up to God now, telling Him His Great Commission is a fool's errand, right there in front of all those fools of Apostles ready and will to go on their fool's errand believing God is with them on it too! Okay, nuff said. God bless. Ginnyfree.