David Koberstein
Most independent Fundamental Baptist churches that I come across are highly legalistic. You must be in the minority.I seriously doubt if we have a lot to discuss. So far you have come across as judgmental and ignorant of basic theology. Furthermore, you generalize unfairly about a movement of 10,000 churches (in the US alone) I grew up in (non legalistic independent Baptists), my father pastored in for 60 years, my grandfather led in the development of, and I teach in a Bible college of.
I know the journeys of many through life. I teach students every day who have had a very tough life. (More than one of my students has been a drug addict with a terrible childhood.) I have not asked to know yours, and am not sure I want to, since you've been so disrespectful. Tell me about your walk with Jesus instead.
I am currently discipling a former drug addict and felon. He is humble and loves the Word of God and our Savior. I seriously doubt if your journey is worse than his.
They want to know your income, tell you what Bible to use. (KJV only) and demand you be at the church when the doors are open, tell you how to dress when coming to church.
I view that as a cult. I'm not alone in that assessment. Google it for more info on it.
You see the scandals at Hyles Anderson, Liberty and others. The legalist IFB Ayatolla's
are gone for now, but there will be more to come to replace them. G_d help us.
Actually, contrary to your belief I am well educated in theology especially Messianic theology. I am respectful to people who are not antisemitic and hateful of Jews.