Scripture says God knows stuff, and if we trust in His word, then God knows stuff.
Lets discuss views that stem from scripture and not the wisdom of men. How about this for starters:
Lets consider the idea that we were "in Christ" because God planned to put us "in Christ." Now with this plan in place, before the fall, God did not pass over our sins. So, we must say God passed over our foreseen sins. But then God is taking our characteristics into account, and thus the election is not unconditional.
You see folks what creating a "foreseen" creation does? It allows a person to invent stuff to make actual scripture to no effect. We can be "in Christ" but not actually be "in Christ" we can be sinners, but not actually be sinners. Doctrine built on sand, folk.
Lets consider God having mercy on us. First, before creation, He foresees that we will be sinners and in need of mercy, so He passes over our foreseen sins, and chooses us, but this choice does not bestow mercy upon us, we are in limbo unto God manifests His choice, then the mercy takes effect. That way we can live not as His people without mercy, yet be chosen and predestined to receive mercy. Got it? Right.
A more straightforward view, is God chooses us during our lifetime and places us in Christ. This is our election, this is God passing over our sins, and this is God having mercy upon us. This is what scripture actually says, the other view is how you can use "foreseen" stuff to slice and dice scripture so it fits with false doctrine.