It has been rightly noted that when the good goes bad it becomes the worst. That is certainly true with those doctrinal truths that are nicknamed Calvinism. The sovereignty of God's grace in salvation is one of the most breathtaking, soul-enrapturing, mind-expanding, faith-building truths revealed in Scripture. Yet, when held arrogantly or used as an excuse to ignore other biblical truths or to justify blatant sin, it becomes distorted and misrepresented as one of the most wicked lies imaginable. As I type this I received the following comment on twitter: "I am repulsed by Calvinism because of Calvinists. I would rather be wrong than think I had to be like so many I have encountered." Such comments ought to make those of us who believe and love the doctrines of grace weep. We are called to adorn the doctrine of God by the way that we live. It is bad enough when we fail to do this. But when our lives actually make our doctrine repulsive to those who know us, we should be full of shame and sorrow.
In eight brief chapters Dutcher shows how Calvinists can kill Calvinism:
By Loving Calvinism as an End in Itself
By Becoming a Theologian Instead of a Disciple
By Loving God's Sovereignty More than God Himself
By Losing an Urgency in Evangelism
By Learning Only From Other Calvinists
By Tidying Up the Bible's "Loose Ends"
By Being an Arrogant Know-It-All
By Scoffing at the Hang-ups Others Have with Calvinism