Steadfast Fred
Active Member
Correct! There is no Apostolic Succession. Revelation records only twelve Apostles of the Lamb"There is no line of succession. I can prove to you that Peter was never in Rome, but it will take more time than I have right now. Take a look at his line of succession. Go to Celestine. Notice that Celestine actually resigned. There was no Pope for a period of two years. The succession was broken right there. Celestine was actually imprisoned. I find that hilarious. The cardinals imprisoned their own pope because he wanted to live a pious and ascetic life, closer to God, then he could by being a Pope. What a lark!
According to his website, he does adhere to and teach heresies. And you are correct again, no Bible-believing Christian would believe in some of the things that he believes in.The disparaging remarks are unnecessary. You are right, and some infractions have been handed out because of it. However he does believe in some heresies. Those are doctrines outside of orthodox Christianity. They need to be pointed out. No Bible-believing Christian would believe in some of the things that he believes in. They are listed in a thread that is now closed.
FYI, Bishop Fulton Sheen was a heretic. I don't hold a lot of respect for him. I hate the doctrines of the RCC and any organization that points people to hell rather than heaven.
BFS also teaches many heresies that only those who don't know their Bibles can be fooled into believing.