Sat/nep: Please respond to the specifics above.
There is no argument with you about Acts 28:20. Christ's blood redeemed every sin of every believer for all times. That has nothing to do with the question being asked. The universal church as an organization has no useful function on this earth. The local church carries out the work of the Lord.
Yes, I have sung the hymn many times, 25 years as a Presbyterian and 35 years as a Baptist.
I agree that the Bride of Christ is the universal church. That function is in eternity, not here on earth. God's work is done through the local churches. Just to make things clear, there are many on the rolls of the local churches that are not saved. None of that has anything to do with the fact God uses local churches to accomplish His will.
When we are all standing before the Lord in eternity, the local churches will cease to exist and have no function, and the universal church will be the focus. A more proper term is the Kingdom of God.
As to your last statement, I said you were a universalist because you gave some credibility to the founding of the RCC. They claim to be the universal church. There is nothing in their doctrine that parallels Scripture. Again, the three models are RCC, universal, visible church, Protestant, universal invisible, and Baptist, local visible.
This is just my personal opinion, but if you would read other's posts carefully, you would see that there are areas of agreement on which you could build a bridge to other posters. Instead, you look for differences and go after them with a vengence.
If you will stop and think about it, for the most part we are in complete agreement on theology, especially on sovereignty. That is much more important than the character of John Calvin, which we will never agree. I don't understand why you focus on the disagreements instead of common ground.