It appears all Calvinists posting of this board belief in Closed Theism. God is Omniscient, with Omniscient meaning God knows everything imaginable. Therefore God knows the future. And God's knowledge is perfect, He does not have a mistaken or inaccurate knowledge of the future. Foreknowledge presupposes the future is certain. Therefore the view of Omniscience requires that everything is predetermined, and this view is called exhaustive determinism.
God is not the indirect cause of anything because His foreknowledge requires that whatsoever comes to pass is ordained (predestined) by God.
Picture a murder. Closed Theism by logical necessity requires that God had perfect foreknowledge of the murder and therefore the murder was predestined, making God the author of the evil deeds of men. But God punishes the man for his deeds which God predestined.
Closed Theism makes God into a monster, and this monster God is the God of Calvinism.
Your logic in this is flawed, specifically in that you don't understand what omniscience entails, and that your assumptive 'necessity' of it making God the 'cause' of sin is lacks credibility.
You seem to dismiss that ALL throughout church history (from the earliest church fathers writings) even up till present time, one of the main foundational doctrines of CHRISTIAN church (not just Calvinistic theology) has been the Omniscience (all knowingness of God). Non-Cals and Arminians has ALWAYS been in agreement with Cals regarding the general sense (not exhaustive sense you imply, whereby God is the causation of sin). The ONLY ones who hold to this view are Hyper-Calvinists.
If the future is not certain then there is no guarantee of the promised future things which God has decreed to be in His word. Not just what He will do, but also what men will do. (that included that man would kill the Messiah of their own choice which God declared long before hand would happen) You seem to be functioning under the misconception that determining is exhaustive in that God caused man to do what he does, including sin. Determining can be both active (God choosing to act) and passive (meaning He allows man to continue doing what he chooses).. but all of these work in accordance to His will/plan - working all things (good and bad) together for His glory.
You stand in a pagan view much like the Greeks and others who hold that the gods can not know all things.. only some small aspects and that is directly proportional to their actions and not the specific actions of men since that is unknown to them. The omniscience of God is a decidedly, historical, a pervasive view of the Christian doctrine that it is almost singularly unique to it (which includes the Jewish mindset as well)