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"The Coffee Shop" #3

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by Sherrie, Apr 28, 2003.

  1. Wisdom Seeker

    Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Okay, now I've caught up on the posts.

    FYG, glad you are doing better, nice to see you. I'll pray for your daughter, you should copy and paste that request to the prayer forum though...there are people who post there, who don't post here, and I didn't see your request there when I went there to pray.

    Sherrie...I'm just afraid. I've painted my apartment when I was single, but it wasn't something I owned, or shared with someone, or that I would be judged on...and I didn't have little kids running around either. Single doesn't have anything to do with it huh? When I was single...I had men helping me with everything...now that I'm married...I'm supposed to have a handyman, and men stay away. (not that I want them around, I just wish I had a husband who would take the lead in this area, I feel very overwhelmed)

    Jim, that was a great devotional. Does this mean that you will post one tomorrow too? Nice to see you, even if it was just for a little while.

    Where is Betty? I haven't seen her in a couple of days? Anybody know? I'm having Betty withdrawals. :eek: ;)


    Oh by the way, I've been throwing up since the night before last. I feel fine, and then I don't. It's weird. I'm not one who gets sick, and it's not like I can take time off from work. I think it's because I took an herb called Kava Kava to help me sleep. It's made me slightly nauseated before, but this was brutal. I threw the whole bottle away, and Dan got mad at me. Seems he's been taking them, and didn't tell me. :(
  2. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I wondered where Betty and Ed were too! Not like them to not post.

    I don't like those really high ceilings and walls either. Hurts the neck looking up for long time!

  3. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    I'm here. My entire day has been discombobulated.
    My painting ladies showed up an hour early. I still had the pink rollers in my hair. Bad hair day. My granddaughter needed her essay corrected. I corrected it and it got lost in cyberspace. So I had to correct again.

    One of the ladies lost her glasses in my driveway.
    It is a good thing that I forgot that I was supposed to go to the grocery store or I would have run over them.

    My dog Muggin (see I told you it's Muffin) got upset about the ladies coming early and I had to hold him while he took his nap.

    Then when I got on the board, some of those newbies were arguing with me again. Can you imagine?

    So I am not sure you want me posting with this track record today. I even got into the witches discussion. [​IMG]
  4. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Rsr: // ... Lott "Mo" Hassel ... //

    I think he used to be at the army base.
    I've been working with the military so
    long, i remember back when General Hassel
    was just a Major Hassel [​IMG]
  5. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Sister Wisdom Seeker: Thank you for your
    prayers on my behalf.

    Yes, I got some age spots frozen off.
    That was with liquid NITROGEN, not what
    ever it was i said earlier.
    Sixteen spots, if i can count right.
    The dermatologist was muttering something
    about getting them early before he
    had to remove them by sergery.

    Tomorrow they will blister up.
    Then they will itch like mad :(
  6. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Hello, Bro. Jim 1999.
    I hope you recall that Oklahoma has two more
    CANADIAN rivers than Canada has.
    I've lived 56 of 60
    years within 20 miles of one or the
    other (sometimes both) Canadian Rivers. [​IMG]
  7. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    I was shoppin on the internet.
    I found I Am Blessed 16 a special hat.
    Features are:

    1) covers head completely
    2) holders for two 16-oz DDP
    3) straw to slurp the DDPs

    The second one was free, if you bought
    the first. I just bought the second ;)
    Expect that hat by mail Sister 16,
    the fifth rainless day in a row [​IMG]
  8. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    I understand, Ed. Every major thinks he's an unpopped colonel.

    Laurenda: I wouldn't even want to think about a ceiling 18 feet high.
  9. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    This trans-Atlantic stuff is too much :D
    I'm already hooked on Irn Bru!!

    I remember back in the 1960s when i
    was stationed down toward
    New Orleas. I found out about Barqs Root
    Beer which was made and sold near there.
    In the early 1980s i was down there
    for a few weeks and brought back
    a couple cases of Barqs. Then in the
    1990s Coke-Cola company began to make
    Barqs and sell it. Hey, i was already
    hooked [​IMG]

    It is all in the adverts [​IMG]
    (trans-Atlantic note, ADVERTISEMENT
    is called "ad" in the US,
    "advert" in the UK.

    FOr example, Coors is made
    from recycled Denver sewer water.
    Not a good thing to advert, eh [​IMG]
    So they say in their ads it is made
    from "Rocky Mountain spring water".
    Yep, all in the adverts [​IMG]
  10. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I hope you recall that Oklahoma has two more
    CANADIAN rivers than Canada has.
    I've lived 56 of 60
    years within 20 miles of one or the
    other (sometimes both) Canadian Rivers


    I knew that Mr. Roosevelt wanted a iece of Canada, but never thought he would take two rivers.

    Doesn't one Canadian river flow into Oklahoma City? I wasn't aware of a second one...must have a gander.

    Good to see things are working out for you in the health department.


  11. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    The North Canadian flows through Oklahoma City; the Canadian flows south of Norman.

    My home county is the Oklahoma Mesopotamia, bounded by the North Canadian on the north and the Canadian on the south.

    Of course, in Oklahoma we're pretty generous with what we call a river; in August, it's likely to be a half-mile wide and 2 inches deep.

    There was a bill in the Legislature to rename the North Canadian the "Oklahoma River," (because it is contained solely within the state) but they found out it would cost too much to change the signs and the maps.
  12. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    RSR..How is that those two rivers were called Canadian? Canada is supposed to be an Indian name meaning "village". I wonder if the naming had Indian origins and why would they call a "village" a river....Confused!!


  13. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Let me tell you guys a thing or two about that Catapilar D9!! Have you ever seen what a D9 can do to any--and I mean--any City Council's so called "Red Tape??"

    Listen, I did some checkin' myself into Missouri state law and council rules there in the metro area of Dexter--and I believe that I can weesel my way around and kenive and bellyache until they(council) will actually get to feelin' sorry for ole Blackbirdy!! Especially when I start "revivin'" the big diesel on that D9 and track it on over to where they park those fancy Mercedes', Volvo's, and Lexus' they all drive home in!!

    Now, about that paint job way over in California! Egg Shell white, semi-gloss latex on the walls, trimin' the wood shashes and doors with the same. Sherwin Williams has the best for the money. I've painted with just about everything you can buy--Wal-Mart paint is cheap--and it'll give you a cheap lookin' job--like paintin' with water!

    Get a good roller, extension stick, good paint brush(Purdy--ask the clerk for PURDY) you'll pay a little more but it'll save you lots of time in the long run--company will come over and say, "Girl! What you and your husband paint with!??" And you can truthfully say, "Sherwin Williams Egg Shell white, a good roller, and a PURDY paint brush!!"

    You'll be so happy and pleased and that husband of yours will see you havin' fun paintin' and all and he'll get jealous and take the brush out of your hand--"Here, Baby! I'll finish it up for ya!"

    I like to look at it like colorin' in a colorin' book--just stay between the lines! Don't paint outside of the lines. Don't paint over doorknobs! Don't paint over door hinges or electrical sockets! Don't paint the windows--make the brush stay on the wood sash--its easier than you think!! You'll do good!!

    Your Southern Baptist preachin', got a D9 idlein' buddy,
  14. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Make sure blackbird you get those permits before you do any work around here. We don't want to lose our license around here.

    For those not in North America. There is The Canadian River in Oklahoma....The Mississippi River in Missouri....The Missouri River in (Up by N. Dakota) Canada.

    If you did not know better...does this seem really confusing?

  15. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Sometimes, Jim, there's just no accounting for things:


    BTW, both the mother-in-law and sister-in-law are served by the Canadian Valley Rural Electric Cooperative; around those parts, when you say "Canadian," everyone assumes you mean the river.

    Sherrie, the Arkansas flows through Oklahoma and is the major river in Tulsa and, and bit to the southeast, forms the McClellan-Kerr navigation system to the Mississippi. We pronounce it "Ar'-kan-saw," not "Ar-kan'-zas," like the folks in Kansas do. The Arkansans or Arkansawyers, I'm told, hold to two different pronunciations. Maybe Rod can jump in on this.

    The Red River is about 40 miles away from here, but I can't get that scene from "Lonesome Dove" out of my mind when I look at the river, even though I once camped at a Boy Scout camp on the river ...

    Blackbird, you can expect some more correspondence on your remodeling; besides, we wouldn't want it known there's a SBC preacher offering bribes, er, I meant considerations ...
  16. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Ar'-kan-saw...this is how we pronounce it too here!

    Boy these storms are strong tonight. I think i am going to get off the net and shut things down. Lightening is really mean out there!

    See you all tomorrow!

  17. RodH

    RodH <img src ="http://humphrey.homestead.com/files/Rod

    Sep 5, 2002
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    That would be correct rsr. "Ar'-kan-saw" is how I have always heard it pronounced around here. Pronouncing it "Ar-kan'-zas," would be let everyone know you weren't from here. I used to laugh when I heard people not from Oklahoma try to pronounce the names of many of the small towns. Especially the ones taken from the Indian tribes. Tahlequah is almost never pronounced properly outside of the state.
  18. RodH

    RodH <img src ="http://humphrey.homestead.com/files/Rod

    Sep 5, 2002
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    No storms here Sherrie. Just warm and clear skies. I think there is a chance of rain later this week. Hopefully no rain in Branson, MO on Saturday. See you tomorrow! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  19. jonmagee

    jonmagee New Member

    Oct 12, 2002
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    I dont really know the answer, but thought I might make a guess.
    In ancient times in most cultures around the world villages often developed around rivers because it was a trade route (boats on river) and cos water was the basic ingredient for life(drinking, watering crops etc.)

    yours, Jon.
  20. ForYourGlory

    ForYourGlory Member

    Jan 16, 2002
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    Good Morning! Boy it's not very often my eyes are open at 3:30 in the morning. Please give me lots of full strength coffee! :eek:

    Getting ready to head out the door with Sarrah. She is soooooooo excited!!! It also looks like she has lots of butterflies in her stomach this morning. Thank you for the prayers for her. I'll keep you posted and let you know how things went.

    God bless!