Winman does not worry about the biblical usage of foreknowledge or other such terms.No.....he just makes it up as he goes.:laugh:
I don't think even you truly BELIEVE (deep down) that that is what Win truly does...he doesn't merely "MAKE-UP" things as he goes. Even if he is mistaken or wrong or simply un-informed...that doesn't mean he "makes-up" his definitions....That is simply not fair.
This way he can offer any explanation he wants to, regardless of how the church has actually believed.
It was previously proven that "THE CHURCH"...........simply has NOT "historically" believed what you claim it has believed...and yet you insist upon it...shall I reference you again to the
EARLIEST Baptist Confession...........Written by Thomas Helwys...which is distictly and un-equivocally Arminian in it's Theology?? We have a new BB member whose avatar is "Thomas Helwys"....however, I would be more than happy to introduce you to the references of the oldest Baptist Confession extant which is unequivocally NOT Calvinist...but, Arminian. Shall you be publically dis-proven as historically ignorant again????
http://evangelicalarminians.org/files/Thomas Helwys (Baptist and Arminian).pdf
"CHURCH'S HISTORICAL FAITH"...as you like to say it, is in NO WAY Calvinist...Unless, by "CHURCH"...you do not in fact mean the "Baptist" "historical" faith....
5. That before the Foundation of the World GOD Predestinated that all that believe in him shall-be saved (Ephesians 1:4, 12; Mark 16:16) and all that do not believe will be damned (Mark 16:16) all which he knew before (Romans 8:29). And this is the Election and reprobation spoken of in the Scriptures, concerning salvation, and condemnation, and that GOD has not Predestinated men to be wicked, and so to be damned, but that men being wicked will be damned, for GOD would have all men saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4) and would have no man to perish, but would have all men come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) and does not will the death of him that dies (Ezekiel 18:32). And therefore GOD is the author of no man’s condemnation, according to the saying of the Prophet (Hosea 13). Your destruction O Israel is of yourself, but your help is of me.
As I recall, you've been accused of being no more a "Baptist" than the man in the moon before...no?? Your passion for the force of authority of magisterial powers is too obvious for many here who believe in freedom of thought.
You are an "authoritarian" Icon, not a "Baptist"...you love the "authority" of a monolithic decretal "Church"...That is NOT "Baptist" Theology...
You are not a Baptist Icon...never were...you are Presbyterian with strongly non-paedo-baptist convictions.
"Baptists" don't believe that this entity which you call "THE" Church...even necessarily exists....
So, they can't (by definition) "historically believe" anything...but you aren't a Baptist...you are an authoritarian. You are an "Iconoclast"...You are not a Baptist.
Once in awhile he pulls from sites that are very dubious,but if they are anti-cal he will use them.:thumbsup:
Why are they "dubious"?......Are they "dubious" only because they are decidedly and admittedly non-Calvinist?........
Fine....if EVERY reference from a site which is confessionally "anti-Calvinist"...is to be ignored...than so shall every reference from founders.org no??? Sound fair to you?
Then when anyone such as yourself questions his comments, he claims he is being persecuted...you are seeing that now:laugh:
Win has not claimed or decried persecution...he has yet again exhaustively and adequately and clearly explained his position and he has complained little or
NONE about how people treat him......
My advice to you:
Wait until you can actually
quote Winman claiming his "persecution" before you falsely accuse a brother again...