Many on this board would go on record denying the truth of the gathering of the church together from heaven (those who have died physically) and from earth (those who are alive when it happens) at her predestined glorification when we will all receive our promised glorified body like unto our Lord's glorious body at the exact same time, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump (the feast of trumpets).
Unleavened Bread
Weeks - (Pentecost)
Day of Atonement
These are feasts of Israel but time has not passed for national Israel because Israel has been dead and buried in the nations of the world for the last 2 of God's 1000 year days, beginning in 70 AD. We are told in Hosea 6:2 that she will be resurrected from the dead after two days, which, of course, will be on the third day, very early on it.
The meaning of death in scripture is separation and that is all it means. Israel was separated from her land, meaning she was separated from her covenants with God. God has built his church during the time Israel has been dead and in this way the covenant people, though separated from her land and national promises , have not been rejected without mercy of God. He sent the gospel of Jesus Christ into all the world where they had been driven and God made it possible for every one of them to be saved one at a time and included in his church, the body of Christ, the heavenly bride of Christ.
This is a time of marvelous grace both for Abraham's seed and all gentiles because the invitation for God's salvation is open to both. Jesus Christ did not just die for Israel, he died for all people everywhere and during this special time the invitation is open in these words, 'whosoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely."
But the promises God made to Abraham and David are immutable promises and they cannot and will not fail. Israel is God's earthy people for eternity and the saved nations will be blessed on the earth through them.
So, with this is mind we ought to talk about the dangers of religious systems that teach a hopeless message that does not involve these truths. What will be the results and why should we fear being decieved members of these systems?
Listen folks. The scriptures says the church, with both Jews and gentiles, is the wisdom of God on display for the angelic hosts to witness.
Rom 11:13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:
14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh (Israelites), and might save some of them.
15 For if the casting away of them (into the nations) be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead (national resurrection)?
The time of the translation of the church is very close now. Those in the world who have heard the gospel and did not get saved when they had opportunity will not have another opportunity and will be damned. God himself will send them strong delusion that they will believe the lie of the man of sin. This is the danger.
Let's talk about this.
Unleavened Bread
Weeks - (Pentecost)
Day of Atonement
These are feasts of Israel but time has not passed for national Israel because Israel has been dead and buried in the nations of the world for the last 2 of God's 1000 year days, beginning in 70 AD. We are told in Hosea 6:2 that she will be resurrected from the dead after two days, which, of course, will be on the third day, very early on it.
The meaning of death in scripture is separation and that is all it means. Israel was separated from her land, meaning she was separated from her covenants with God. God has built his church during the time Israel has been dead and in this way the covenant people, though separated from her land and national promises , have not been rejected without mercy of God. He sent the gospel of Jesus Christ into all the world where they had been driven and God made it possible for every one of them to be saved one at a time and included in his church, the body of Christ, the heavenly bride of Christ.
This is a time of marvelous grace both for Abraham's seed and all gentiles because the invitation for God's salvation is open to both. Jesus Christ did not just die for Israel, he died for all people everywhere and during this special time the invitation is open in these words, 'whosoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely."
But the promises God made to Abraham and David are immutable promises and they cannot and will not fail. Israel is God's earthy people for eternity and the saved nations will be blessed on the earth through them.
So, with this is mind we ought to talk about the dangers of religious systems that teach a hopeless message that does not involve these truths. What will be the results and why should we fear being decieved members of these systems?
Listen folks. The scriptures says the church, with both Jews and gentiles, is the wisdom of God on display for the angelic hosts to witness.
Rom 11:13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:
14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh (Israelites), and might save some of them.
15 For if the casting away of them (into the nations) be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead (national resurrection)?
The time of the translation of the church is very close now. Those in the world who have heard the gospel and did not get saved when they had opportunity will not have another opportunity and will be damned. God himself will send them strong delusion that they will believe the lie of the man of sin. This is the danger.
Let's talk about this.