by Charles D.Mallary (1801-1864). A snip from his booklet follows.
Election harms no man --election damns no man. It does not pursue the criminal and force him down the precipice of ruin: but it plucks multitudes from that fatal brink and plants them on the rock of ages. In the execution of its merciful and eternal designs, it gathers out from the guilty,polluted,dying mass,...a great multitude which no man can number,of all nations, kindred and people and tongues;sweetly draws, graciously subdues; washes out their stains in the blood of the Lamb;guides them safely through all their perils and conflicts,and with them peoples the shores and fills the thrones of the celestial Canaan. If all had been left to perish, God's throne had been guiltless;that some are saved, shall redound to the honor of His name, and proclaim the riches of His grace through eternal ages.
Why quarrel with that purpose which results in blessings like these? Why fall out with that arrangement which unfolds nothing but pure,unmixed and effectual mercy,and without which not one ray of saving light had ever pierced the dark night which sin has rolled upon the prospects of mortals? Why one culpritshould be savingly pitied rather than another,may never be fully explained to finite minds;but infinite wisdom has the best of reasons for all its acts: let mortals bow in holy adoration, and exclaim, "even so Father,for it seemeth good in thy sight."
Election harms no man --election damns no man. It does not pursue the criminal and force him down the precipice of ruin: but it plucks multitudes from that fatal brink and plants them on the rock of ages. In the execution of its merciful and eternal designs, it gathers out from the guilty,polluted,dying mass,...a great multitude which no man can number,of all nations, kindred and people and tongues;sweetly draws, graciously subdues; washes out their stains in the blood of the Lamb;guides them safely through all their perils and conflicts,and with them peoples the shores and fills the thrones of the celestial Canaan. If all had been left to perish, God's throne had been guiltless;that some are saved, shall redound to the honor of His name, and proclaim the riches of His grace through eternal ages.
Why quarrel with that purpose which results in blessings like these? Why fall out with that arrangement which unfolds nothing but pure,unmixed and effectual mercy,and without which not one ray of saving light had ever pierced the dark night which sin has rolled upon the prospects of mortals? Why one culpritshould be savingly pitied rather than another,may never be fully explained to finite minds;but infinite wisdom has the best of reasons for all its acts: let mortals bow in holy adoration, and exclaim, "even so Father,for it seemeth good in thy sight."