Well-Known Member
Ah. Now which bit of II Tim 3 would that be: the bit where Paul talks about Scripture (vv.15-16) or the bit where he talks about non-Scriptural doctrinal sources (v14)?
No, no confusion at all. I'm just saying I'm struggling to see the word 'grace' there attached to the anathema. Maybe you left a bit out. Oh wait - I've looked up the wording and you didn't - 'grace' isn't there in the original either. So it's a straw man.
No, I'm a Christian who is prepared to call someone on it when they are patently talking nonsense, injecting a word into a statement that just isn't there. If you have to resort to base crude insults that merely demonstrates how far you are from any credible argument. You're so far out you're not even wrong; like the Irish saying, "I wouldn't start from here."
Is not the canon about Justification? Are you justified by God apart from His grace?
You really don't want to exegete 2 Tim. It doesn't say what the papacy wants it to. "Oh, but that is your interpretation." Ok, that is me reading the Bible in my language (bought for me by the blood of many at the hands of the papacy) and understanding it.
But you need an infallible interpretor. Where can I turn to learn whether or not I need an infallible interpretor? Because we said so. Who are you? The infallible interpretor.
That is a little self-serving isn't it? So I ask again, how can I know I should listen to you or another?
And round and round the circle goes.
What Jesus taught us was that His sheep know His voice and follow Him. And we don't follow another because they are not the Shepherd. The papacy is not the voice of Jesus. When I hear this or that teaching from the Vatican I do not hear Jesus. It sounds like satan.
When I read the BIble I hear the voice of my Savior and follow.