Wow, what is your problem. First for your information, I dont consider myself a Calvinist (nor does people like P4T, Herald & Luke) rather I am an Old School / Hard Shell Baptist & they do not follow lock step with Calvinists. You saw how I argued with them on Children dieing in that should nail that sucker shut. Next , and you can look back in the archives, where Ive said I have no allegiance to either Calvinists or Arminians/ these are extra biblical stances....I am a radical Christian--one that moves beyond the liberal & conservative branches of religion & goes back to a fundamental Id appreciate you not lumping me into any of these subheadings.
And if this kid has the brass to go into the street & preach the word then you should support him to the max not criticizing him for trying to obtain information from any given source. I'm certain your mouth wouldn't be flapping if he was asking a non Calvinist for assistance.....the truth is your just freakin biased.
I think it is terrific that he has the courage to preach on the street, but he should know and understand what he is telling folks.
John (evangelist6589) has repeatedly criticized Arminianism in his posts for months, go back and see for yourself. He doesn't even realize that he is an Arminian.
The fellow should at least be told he is an Arminian so he will quit condemning them in his posts. He thinks he is a Calvinist and he is not.
evangelist6589 said:
For my next open air I will be preaching on this topic as I have not yet addressed it in detail. I am doing my research, but can I also get some help from fellow Calvinists? I think the Bible is quite clear and it is obvious that only the elect will respond to the call to salvation. When I preach I wish to make that clear that I am preaching to everyone, but only the elect will respond to my message. I do not know whom the elect are and so I will fire away randomly as Charles Spurgeon once said.
Looking forward to help from like minded brethren. Thank you.
He's not a fellow Calvinist with other Calvinists. He is not like minded with Calvinists. Calvinists believe in Unconditional Election, he does not.
evangelist6589 said:
Since I was an Arminian for a long time I take it that I have no sermons or writings on the doctrine that I could find. However I did take a note of one doctrine of Calvinism that I disagree with.
God chose the elect solely on the basis of His free grace, not anything in them. He has a special love for the elect. God left the rest to be damned for their sins.
I much rather believe in what Arminians teach called
God chose the elect on the basis of their foreseen faith. He loves all men equally. God passed over no one, but gives everyone an equal chance to be saved.
John knows the difference between Unconditional and Conditional Election, but he seems not to know that a Calvinist cannot believe in Conditional Election as he does.
Why in the world would you allow him to continue in this error? Do you plan to let him continue to think he is a Calvinist when he is not and later try to convert him to Unconditional Election? That's horrible.
I guess it's OK, cause he's going out preaching against Arminians huh? Even though he is one. Folks should be ashamed.