I'll address the root cause of the rage held in the black communities. It stems from the fact that the black communities are racist. They feel they are entitled to things that other hard working Americans are not. They feel they are owed something, instead of trying to earn something. It lies in the fact that black communities are violent and drug infested. It comes from a blame everyone else for their problems mentality.
History shows blacks aren't concerned with much other than a violent culture. Explains their fascination with guns, gansta rap, gangs, drugs, and riots.
Don't forget, they need the right people in office to continue to give them money in order to remain in slavery to the government that is really oppressing them. It is not white and black. It is putting something, anything their hands, BUT just enough to barely keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Then they can get cabin fever and all riled up at the right time in order to riot and blame it on anyone but themselves.
This is the root of the problem from this side. You resent having "the race card" on you in a way that generalizes "racism" to all whites (and I would agree titles like the OP and Zaac's other thread are overly inflammatory and unfair), but then you continue holding these stereotypes of ALL blacks (including now throwing the term back at the WHOLE "community"!) Notice, no distinction is made between the people as a whole, and either the rioters, or "the angry" ones among them, "the poor in the ghetto", or especially kids (who are the main players the so-called "thug" culture and gangsta-rap, saggy pants, etc; it's not the older people who are doing all that stuff).
Yet, people keep making this blanket statement that
"blacks just want free money and don't want to work [like WE do] and that's the WHOLE problem". This is what it always comes back to.
But how could you expect people to not be angry and suspicious of "racism" when you keep parroting stuff like this?
What I keep seeing is "we're totally innocent, and it's all THEM". It seems most here will speak favorably of the "Republican-led"] and MLKing, but a lot of this stuff (including statistical "fact" on crime/"violence", sexual looseness, etc) is exactly the same as what was used by those opposing progress back then.
Sorry but NO.
EVERY individual is responsible for THEIR OWN CHOICES. We seldom control our circumstances or even the injustices done to us. The "root causes" may well occur because of the sins of someone but the reactions are SOLELY the result of immoral, "thuggish", and illegal activities by the people in question. It isn't the fault of white people or any other group.
By "address", people usually mean more money poured into gov't programs that have done far more to contribute to the problems than correct them. But your accusation is largely false. Many of us DO recognize and want to see the root causes addressed.
Start with illegitimacy and single-parent homes... that is something that MUST be addressed but people outside the black community have little power to "force" a change. Virtually every problem in the black sub-culture relates directly to the disintegration of the traditional family. This has gotten MUCH worse sense gov't began to step in during the 60's.... to "help".
Gangs, violence, and crime. Again, personal decisions to commit the crime and personal decisions about how to react from the victims and community at large.
Work ethic. Because the victim mentality has been so appealing to many in these oppressed neighborhoods, people have come to believe it is their right to be supported and even to "succeed" financially without hard work and sacrifice. For this reason, the hispanic communities are very quickly overtaking the black community not only in numbers but in economic status. Simply put, most Hispanics have a high sense of responsibility for their families AND a willingness and even hunger for work and opportunity.
There are many, many reasons these communities continue to struggle and few of them have anything to do with white people not spending enough money to fix someone else's problems for them.
The problem here, is that people seem to want some sort of en-masse scolding, correcting, teaching, etc. of an entire "people". It's like you've caught a bad child doing something wrong, and aim to rehabilitate him, but that's ONE person. We're talking about
millions of people, and to say "you just need to restore the family" is not going to do anything. You already have families working raising their children as best as they can. What do you expect them to do, (since it's the whole "community")?
Then, you have the angry people themselves, and as should be obvious, they're not going to listen to anything. (And not all of them are even trying to abuse the system. Many of the most angry, "revolutionary" types are so against the system,
they don't trust it to help the community. The Nation of Islam and others, from the beginning, have been preaching self-improvement, self-reliance of the community, etc. but unfortunately, had taken an anti-white stance (in an almost "tit-for-tat" fashion), and sometimes violence, and this is what has influenced certain
elements in the community (not the
whole community itself), such as gangsta rap.
Yet because of the angry people and criminals, the entire community is seen as having no right to even protest police violence. The white NYC mayor was criticized just for warning his black son about the possibility of him falling victim. It's like he should accept getting shot because of what others in the "community" do, until someone in the community waves their hands and magically fixes everyone else!
(Still, what's always glossed over, but was mentioned in the OP, was the "riots" at sports games. So one group of people is seen as having no right to be so angry, but then we have the supposed "good" group [i.e. which
the others always get measured by], rioting over anger at a more trivial event, if not just for fun).
Regarding "family"; even though "the traditional family" may have LOOKED all nice and ideal in the 50's and before; there was a lot of abuse and covered up sin (and I'm not talking about just the blacks, but the whites too. Remember, their kids rebelled too during that same time.
And don't forget, the Christians have long criticized "family values" dropping in the [
white] culture at large. So how is this ending up getting tagged just on blacks now?)
Also, we need to think about constantly tossing this "victim" term at others,
when the same ones doing it are complaining louder than anyone else about taxes, their country being "destroyed" or taken from them, losing "all their freedoms", etc. (yet most still have this "American dream". What's been taken from them is certain aspects of power. Yes, as one person said, the other side can increase their reaction as well, but it's not just their opponents' fault. There are very loud voices right in their own ranks screaming "victim!" "Stop them before they destroy us!" ⦅as well as "the hard truth is on our side"⦆. This surely is contributing to what we're seeing going on).