The American Revision Committee.
Philip Schaff, D. D., LL.D., President of the General Committee.
George E. Day, D. D., Secretary.
Old Testament Company.
Professor Wm. Henry Green, D. D., LL.D. (Chairman), Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J.
Professor George E. Day, D. D. (Secretary), Divinity School of Yale College, New Haven, Conn.
Professor Charles A. Aiken, D. D., Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J.
The Rev. T. W. Chambers, D. D., Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church, N. Y.
Professor Thomas J. Conant, D. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Professor John De Witt, D. D., Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J.
Professor George Emlen Hare, D. D., LL.D., Divinity School, Philadelphia.
Professor Charles P. Krauth, D. D., LL.D., Vice-Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Professor Charles M. Mead, D. D., Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass.
Professor Howard Osgood, D. D., Theological Seminary, Rochester, N. Y.
Professor Joseph Packard, D. D., Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va.
Professor Calvin E. Stowe, D. D., Hartford, Conn. Professor James Strong, S. T. D., Theological Seminary, Ma-dison, N. J.
Professor C. V. A. Van Dyck, LL.D., D. D., M. D., Beirut, Syria. (Advisory Member on questions of Arabic.)
New Testament Company.
Ex-President Theodore D. Woolsey, D. D., LL.D. (Chairman), New Haven, Conn.
Professor J. Henry Thayer, D. D. (Secretary), Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass.
Professor Ezra Abbot, D. D., LL.D., Divinity School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
The Rev. J. K. Burr, D. D., Trenton, N. J.
President Thomas Chase, LL.D., Haverford College, Pa.
Chancellor Howard Crosby, D. D., LL.D., New York University, New York.
Professor Timothy Dwight, D. D., Divinity School of Yale College, New Haven, Conn.
Professor A. C. Kendrick, D. D., LL.D., University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y.
The Right Rev. Alfred Lee, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of Delaware.
Professor Matthew B. Riddle, D. D., Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn.
Professor Philip Schaff, D. D., LL. I)., Union Theological Seminary, New York.
Professor Charles Short, LL.D. (Secretary), N. Y.
The Rev. Edward A. Washburn, D. D., Calvary P. E. Church, N. Y.