Thats because you have a Arminian evangelism theology and do not believe that God wins the converts and uses sinful and depraved man to do His work. You think that man must contribute to the sovereign will and act of God. You think that people come to Christ because of my actions, and if they reject him its because of me! No the Bible very clearly says that God brings the converts and he expects people to be OBEDIENT to do his work.
This post needs to be responded, too.
Intoxicants cannot help BUT impact the ministry!
Especially if you are a fundamental Baptist which, as an organization, has the reputation of being against alcoholic intake.
Many years ago, I was the member of Miller Road Baptist and new a member that had been remarkably saved and freed from alcoholism.
I heard his own testimony (as verified by others) that he would go back to his former friends, apologize for his former living style, and literally compel them to come hear the gospel. Many did, and I met some that had come to Christ because this man brought them.
I get tickled thinking about how he related the story of when he was saved he was so excited that he immediately wanted to give an offering to the Lord. Having just gotten up from the altar expressing this joy of salvation and desire to give to the pastor, and the pastor said, "Well, if you want a good place to start, you can begin by giving a tenth." The man excitedly interrupted, "I don't have a tenth, but I got a fifth behind the seat of the truck."
It was a great privilege to see the transformed life living for Christ!
But let me tell you, what a sad disappointment it can be to see a believer drinking in a restaurant.
I was sitting near the kitchen when a family came in. They were ushered to the table, and asked what they wanted to drink. The waitress then brought their drink and took the food order. When the food was delivered, the waitress noticed that the family joined hands and prayed. She went into the kitchen and I overheard her derisively mocking the family and the religion that doesn't change lives.
Tell me which had a true living testimony?
The tiniest part of an intoxicant has as its goal and desire to impair and distort. That is why it is called an intoxicant.
Sin NEVER lets one in on the binding but well hides the shackles until bound. Until then, one just finds whatever excuse the enemy can offer that permits.
BTW, if you placed grape juice in a skin jug and it shook for 80 some days in the sauna of the ark, you would find it well seasoned and bitter from the natural yeast processes. Of course Noah got drunk drinking it! And look what it got him. Disgrace, shame, and ruined testimony - same as today when a believer drinks.
Now, back to the original OP.