Seriously, what's the deal with the French? :smilewinkgrin:
Que sera sera. :thumbsup:
I agree that sin must be punished.
Yes. Very good.
But in your theology God has determined to punish men before they are ever born because He never intends to save them.
That is not my theology,
mon ami. All of God's works were finished before/from the creation of the world. They are as firmly settled in heaven as the Son is on the right hand of God the Father.
He truly creates people with no other intention than to punish them eternally.
God rested from His labors after the sixth day. Adam and Eve made Cain and Abel. People make children now. God has not planted the first tree since He entered into His rest. Oaks have acorns fall to the ground to make other oaks now. Dogs breed to make other dogs. The same with cats, cows, donkeys, hippos, rhinos, lions, tigers and bears...oh my.
Yet somehow the Calvinist says God is not the one who condemns these people.
Correct. Sin is what condemns the sinner to hell, and not God.
You cannot have the election of one group to salvation without recognizing the similar election of the remainder to damnation.
Election and predestination is for the elect only,
mon ami. God chose(predestined/predestinated) to save them from their sins. The goats stay right where they are at.
At least some cals will own up to the necessary existence of double predestination.
Some are double predestanarians, yes, but not I,
You're making it sound as if God's saving love is only true if people survive.
Huh? Whaaa? Where did I say that?
That's totally false per scripture.
Yes it is, that is why I want to know where I said what you think I said.
Jesus Himself addressed this when people tried to cast others as worse sinners simply because they suffered worse calamity.
Never said such. Please clarify your thought here.
Do you think the thief on the cross was not saved, simply because he still died?
He was saved,
mon ami.
I'm not going to try to act like I know God's intention with each and every person, but to hear some Calvinists talk, you would think that the entirety of humanity prior to Jesus's incarnation was sentenced to eternal damnation simply because of when they lived.
Look at Romans 10:14,
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
Can they believe on Jesus if they do not believe? How can they believe if they do not know of His existence?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
How can they be saved without knowing a thing about Jesus?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
Again, how can they be saved if a.) they do not believe? b.) do not know of His existence? c.) Never hear the gospel preached unto them? Unless you hold to mystical revelation where people said He manifested Himself to them, then you have a quagmire you are in,
mon ami.If you hold to Jesus personally revealing Himself to those in remote areas, you still have yourself in a quagmire,
The scriptures say God commands all men everywhere to repent,
Yes He does.
but your side says man can only repent if God makes him repent.
You guys like to throw those words like 'force', 'make', 'puppet' &c around don't you. Did God force you to love Him? He came to me in a way He never had before and that caused me to see my need for Him and I loved Him after years of hating Him. No, I never 'hated' Him as people who hate their mortal enemies, but I hated Him by my actions.
So God tells everyone to repent,
only allows a few to repent,
It is a gift,
and then blames man for not doing what God never gave man the ability to do.
Did God tell the adulteress to
No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”[Jn 5:11] Now, do we truly leave our life of sin behind us? Sure, we are going to try to do everything to keep ourselves unspotted from the world, but we are still going to sin. Until we lose this physical body, we will never truly leave our life of sin behind. But Jesus did command her to do this very thing,
Consider this: There are a lot of parents who did not want their children to do drugs. Yet they did. The parent could have stopped them, but only by infringing on their ability to do anything at all, and forcing them to stay in a "safe" place. Since parents want their children to grow and learn, they don't keep them hidden (for the most part). A parent who wants the best for their child, yet does not force choices on them, and then their children go you call that parent a failure?
We are not God and are not omniscient. Yes, we can not keep kids wrapped in a bubble their whole life, I agree. But even when parents infringe on their kid's rights and ground them, so of them still rebel and sneak out at night, leave early from school, &c.
Remember, not all of the peoples of all time make up God's children. God's children come Christ and His bride(church) coming together. When the bride(church) travails, she brings forth her children. They are then fed on her breast of consolation.
Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God. “Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her. For you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance.”[Isa. 66:8-11]
So the scripture is wrong when it says God commands all men everywhere to repent?
No. You are by thinking it is cruel for God to command everybody without exception to.
Or is this another case of the Bible saying "all men" but actually only meaning "the Elect?" It's so confusing when the Bible obfuscates its own meaning.
'All' rarely means everybody without exception,
mon ami.
Why? Does it bother you to recognize the obvious conclusion of Calvinism: that no man is saved unless God irresistibly draws him and forces salvation upon him?
No, but it apparently does bother you and you constituents. I rejoice in knowing that it was God who sought me out and saved me. If He had not do so, I'd either still be in rebellion or dead and in hell. Praise God for Him saving me.
If you irresistibly move something, does it have any say in where it is moved, or do you force it to move to where you desire?
Why the humberage?
***had to snip***