We use the English language. Do you? One cannot change the meaning of words.
By using the term "Irresistible Grace" you demonstrate that grace cannot be resisted, and thus it is "forced" upon an individual. I am not teaching this, you are. If this is the "violence" you are teaching and don't like then for Pete's sake stop it!! I don't like it either.
Thus, they conclude we are mere puppets whose lives are manipulated by an evil Puppet Master.
Absolutely. Do you know that there are some Calvinists that would agree with that assessment of the teaching of Calvin. That is the logical conclusion. Don't run from it. It is what you believe.
This is precisely the same argument used against the Apostle Paul when declaring the divine right of the Lord to have mercy on some and not all, leaving the rest dead in their sins for which they will be hardened in judgment and ultimately damned. (Romans 9:18)
Then you should do something about it.
For since God has predetermined the eternal destiny of each man before they were born, they argue that, in effect, God has ‘forced’ His will upon all men without their consent.
Your premise is flawed.
"Predestination" is not the same as "omniscience." Just because he knows the outcome does not mean he predestinated it to be that way. That makes God the author of evil. There is no way out of that conclusion.
Did God predestinate that Hitler should wipe out approximately six million Jews during the WWII. Is it ever God's will to murder, let alone mass murder or committing the complete genocide of an entire nation? He knew it would happen. It was not his will. He did not "predestinate" Hitler to carry out such a heinous crime. He did not force Hitler to commit such war crimes. But that is what you believe. It is not much different than Islam's belief of fatalism. I have said that before, and it offends people. But people need to see things for what they are. Predeterminism is simply fatalism and nothing more.
As a result, man has no choice but to obey His sovereign, irresistible will.
Yep, fatalism. No free will, no choice, The Puppeteer and his puppets.
That being the case, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? (Romans 9:19)
In Calvinism this statement makes no sense, and it is ironic that you can't see it. The non-Cal can see the truth of this statement. The hypothetical person putting forth the complaint has the power and the free will to complain to God. If this were Calvinism he would not be able to register a complaint at all. His will would be bound up irresistibly. He would have no free will. He is the puppet of God. He cannot complain. He does not have that option. But the non-Cal says that man does have that option to complain--right or wrong, it is still there. He does have a will.
In other words, how can a just God condemn men who are simply obeying His will of reprobation?
Nothing is said about a will of reprobation. You are reading into scripture something that is not there, and not taught in Scripture. If you even realized the context here, it is speaking of the history of Israel and God's plans for her. It is not even speaking of salvation or election which pertains to the Gentiles at all.
What choice did they have?
We always have a choice. You had a choice whether or not to post this.
Our modern-day critics make several similar fundamental misapprehensions which lead them to a false conclusion.
One such assumption is the power of man’s will. It is not free, but bound.
Just like Adam after he sinned. It was bound by sin. Still, Adam was able to communicate with God, even as a dead person. Your theology is not consistent, and has many loopholes in it. Man's spirit in his unsaved state is "inoperable" not non-existent," it is separated from God, not a "lifeless corpse." If it were a corpse it would not be able to choose even bad things much less good things. It would not be able to choose at all. The metaphor is a useless one when referred to as a corpse. He is separated from God.
1. Man is under the power and dominion of sin and Satan, his master. (John 8:34, 44)
So aren't we all. Satan is the god of this world, so scripture says. If man chooses in faith, to trust Christ he will have the power to overcome Satan.
2. Man does not have the power to break those chains. Only God has that power. (John 8:36)
God offers man the gift of salvation, the gift of eternal life, which is always available to all and every one to freely accept.
3. Unless God draws him, man will not come to Christ for deliverance. (John 6:44, 65)
It is Christ that has drawn all men to himself.
It is Christ that said wide is the road that leads to destruction...and narrow is the path that leads to life but few there are that enter into it. That path must be chosen. One must enter by his own volition. God doesn't force people down the right road.
Given the enslaved condition of man as described by Jesus, man is totally at the mercy of God to set him free.
Grace and mercy have been provided.
Grace and mercy need to be accepted
by faith
Somewhere along the line you have heard of sola fide, haven't you?
But the situation is a bit more complicated.
Man, by nature, views the true God as his enemy and wants nothing to do with Him. In fact, he prefers Him dead. (Romans 8:7, Acts 2:23)
Scripture taken out of context. If that were true, then in Acts 2, 3,000 people would not have been saved. You contradict yourself.
In addition, many men deny they are sin sick and have no need for a physician. (Mark 2:17)
More scripture taken out of context. Many came to Jesus admitting they were sick: they came as blind, lepers, lame, the palsy, etc. Admitting their illnesses and desiring to be healed, they were all healed "according to THEIR faith."
And then there are those who seek healing and forgiveness through false gods. (John 4:22; Acts 17:23; Romans 1)
Given the above evidence would you infer that Christ was a false god since many were healed and granted forgiveness through him. I hope not.
Therefore, rather than permit the entire human race to destroy itself through its sin of unbelief and hatred of the true God, out of love the Lord has graciously chosen many to be vessels of mercy, destined to glory.
No, he chose whosoever would believe on him." That is mercy, grace, and justice.
He accomplished His will of good pleasure by sending His Son who took on flesh that He might perfectly fulfill the Law of God in the stead of the Chosen Ones, thereby qualifying as their sin offering which satisfied the justice of God.
He satisfied the demands of God in paying the penalty of the sins of all mankind (John 1:29; 1Jn.2:2)
Once propitiated, the Father and the Son send forth the Holy Spirit who removes the enmity and the chains which bound the will, allowing the Chosen sinner to experience and respond positively to the love and mercy of God.
No. The Holy Spirit's function is more accurately described in John 16:8-11.
It is Christ that saves.
I ask our critics, Did your wives ‘force’ you to love and marry them?
No, and that is why the Calvinist is wrong. Our wives freely chose.
Or was love and marriage your natural response?
Indeed it was a natural response that comes from a loving relationship.
But in Calvinism that is not the case.
In like manner, when our Lord reveals Himself to the sinner by His Spirit, His love and grace is so overwhelming and undeniable that the sinner willingly and enthusiastically says, ‘Yes, I will marry you!’
NO it isn't. He is forced to. The "grace" is irresistible. Joy or no joy, he has not choice in this matter. He is a puppet in the hand of God forced to do his will whether or not he wants to.
The truth of God’s irresistible saving grace is not to be despised, but to be praised and shouted from the roof tops.
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD.
To try and force joy into a person is despicable. He is but a robot in the hand of God with no choice for he predestined before the foundation of the world, and has never had a choice in the matter, never. There is no motivation, no impetus at all for him to serve the Lord, for he was simply forced to be a Christian. It wasn't his choice "to be this way."