Brother the Bible is truth [and in the English, I believe it to be the Holy Bible, which is also known as the Authorized Version [AV], and the King James Bible [which name stuck later]]. The Testimonies [which are from Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, through sister White] are also truth, thus Isaiah 8:20, to the Law and to the Testimony, even as the Ten Commandments and the later propphet Daniel are truth. I cannot, after having tested the gift and the message thereof, and finding it/them to be sound [scripturally], then turn around and disregard it, or discount it as truth, for then I would be in error to do so, and would be then out of harmony with both the scripture [KJB] and the Testimony sent.
It is like Inspiration and Preservation. Two, not one. One without the other is [to quote a brother, a Baptist] "a divine waste of time". Another brother [Baptist] put it this way [paraphrase], "Publish the Law, Post the Law, and Preserve the Law."
Thus, it must be the Law and the testimony. Law and prophets. Written witness, and living witnesses. They go together. If one were to search in the Bible, they are always found together, the two witnesses of God:
Romans 3:21 KJB - But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
When Israel the peoples turned away from the first, the normally turned away from the second. King Herod did this, for he ultimately refused John the Baptist [rejected the prophet], and had him beheaded [murder, violation of the Commandments].
As for the matter of the King James Bible. Why do you feel the way you do about it, that you feel you must mention this in many posts? Perhaps you might explain in another thread in this section of the forums, since this thread is almost done, and that subject is not really on the OP. I do not feel the way you do about the King James bible. I cherish it, for numerous reasons. I origially began with the Roman Catholic NAB [St. Joseph's Ed., which I still have here; I also have a 'green monster' the NWT, given to me by the WTS members who visit me once in a great while, I used to have several others, including the Holman's [which had numerous erroneous materials in it, in regards Seventh-day Adventists doctrines; and so I eventually chucked it [though it was a gift from a Baptist friend of mine, a while ago], and I was running out of book shelf space anyways].
As for brother Benjamin G. Wilkinson, I know history, and how many baptists picked up on the idea, but it cannot be said that it originated with him, but is seen throughout many denominations, many persuasions, and without even knowing anything about Benjamin G Wilkinson, or the others, but through their own person studies, etc came to the conclusion that I and others have on the King James Bible.
I have brother Benjamins's books [some and others in PDF] and have read them. I also have many other books, and have read them, from other authors, Seventh-day Adventists [Walter J Veith; Vance Ferrell, brother Dan A.; H. H. Meyers; Russel and Colin Standish, Sharon Thomas Crews, Frank W. Hardy] and non. I own many of sister Gail Riplinger's material [and read the thousands of pages in them], and [own [on my shelf right here] and have read] Sam Gipp's materials, David W. Daniels, David Otis Fuller, Alan O Reily, Dean Burgon, D. A. Waite [and D.B.Society], Jack Moorman, Peter S. Ruckman [now deceased, hard to read that brother, so very harsh, when he didn't need to be, and incorrect theologically in many points, but was a pretty good read in other mss matters, etc.], H. N. Harkell, and others, like Erasmus and what is available on the King James translators, along with Tyndale, Wycliffe, Genevans, etc, and I have seen many other videos, presentations, from others also, here and there, and from the other perspective, such as 'James White' [I have several of his videos on the WTS, Mormons, etc, Islam, etc., but the things is, he fudges here and there] and so on. I also list on the site others, and share the UBS and N/A text types, and have read Westcott and Hort's letters, and have seen Ankerberg, etc. I have also done my own personal research, and colation comparisons, and have looked at the text types, the mss, etc histories, comparisons, and so on.
I do not think myself biased, but simply well researched.
As for brother Benjamin G. Wilkinson, I have read both his books in full, which includes his rebuttal, which has never been answered. I enjoy facts and evidence, rather than epithets, name calling, etc. I am to be convincved, not badgered, nor bullied. If you have evidence which is greater in strength than these materials or my current position, I have not fear of siding with the more prevalent truth. However, I have come to my present position, not by whim, nor fancy, but prayerfully studied and drawn conclusions. It would take quite a bit of new evidence to move me from this present position, since I have heard/read much of the evidence already on all sides.
Again, you seem to have a misunderstanding about me in regards my position on the King James Bible. It believe it is the preserved word of God in English, and I can hold God's word in my hand today, and not have to worry that I might be missing something somewhere in a dusty tome, or far distant out of the way place.
It is not that I automatically discount other translations into the English, such as the Genevan, or Tyndale, Matthews, Coverdale, Bishops, or even the Jesuit Douay Rheims, or into the German, such as the Luther, or into the Latin such as the Jerome's Vulgate [not to be confused with the actual Vulgate, the Italic], it is just that throughout those, and the more modern, RV, ARV, ESV, ASV, NIV, NKJV, etc., I find that there are serious discrepancies within them, [or even attacks upon the remnant, as the NKJV does] and cannot use them in toto.
I use E-Sword a lot, and even include such things as the so-called LXX, the GNT TR, HOT when it may serve my purpose to show others what needs to be shown them. Some people are high minded, and need to be shown from the languages, but most do not.
As I have said before, the King James in Revelation 14:11 and 20:11 read just fine. It is not a matter of the words "for ever and ever", but rather what those words mean, according to, and defined by, the very same scripture. I believe them, just as they read, just as they are defined therein. I believe I have shown that to you in this thread.