I would appreciate it if you would answer this part of my post #168. It goes to the futility and ridiculousness of the Pope's "acts forgiveness" for others.
What you post is primarily Catholic propaganda. Even Biblicist has pointed that out for you?
Tell me. If you were doing research on your genealogy, and found out that your great, great, great, great, great grandfather, who lived in the 18th century murdered someone but got away with it. And suppose you were able to find someone that was a descendant of the one that was murdered, would your apology "on behalf of your distant relative" mean anything to the person you found? Could you go to the courts, tell the police that you want to spend the rest of your life in prison--a life sentence (the very least for a murder) because your distant relative paid nothing. You are apologizing on "his behalf," so are you willing to pay the price on his behalf, do the repentance on his behalf, etc.
The so-called forgiveness of the Pope is meaningless. There is no justice carried out. To say "I am sorry you were mistreated without any justice is meaningless.
Who are you to determine whose "walk with Christ" is valid or not? You "Born Agains" have said all Christians need a "personal" relationship with Christ. Well, I am different than you, so my relationship with Christ is unique, personal, and different in that sense. We are two different people who have had two different life experiences and we come to God in that context.
Most people are sincere, but many are sincerely wrong. You are in that category. So was I at one time. Unfortunately my father was, and died that way and is paying the consequences of trusting in a a religion rather than in Christ. It is my sincere hope and prayer that you don't make the same mistake. Scripture doesn't contradict itself. That is one reason I can know why my interpretation on this well known passage is true and correct. The Catholic interpretation sets most of the rest of the teaching of the Bible at odds or even in denial with their interpretation here. What then? Either the rest of the Bible is wrong or they are wrong here. The latter is true.
One does need to have a personal relationship with Christ.
It comes through the new birth.
Every person is unique, just as every child in each family born of their parents are different. Even twins are not the same. No two children are exactly the same.
However, a relationship with Christ always comes about the same way. If one thinks it comes through baptism, works, sacraments, the "Church," etc. then they are deceived and do not have a personal relationship with Christ, or a walk with Christ. They are simply deceiving themselves and denying the words of Christ, who said of Himself:
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
--He said:
"I am the way," not the Church, not baptism, etc. But Christ and Christ alone is the way to salvation. There is no other interpretation. Is He a liar?
I have met some of these supposedly "Born Agains", where they run around saying "I saved, I'm saved" and then in a while it all fizzles out. Then what? My spiritual relationship during my whole life has been much more complex. That's just me and something you should respect as a fellow Christian. But no, a Mr. Know - It - All like you says EVERYONE has to do it your way, to feel the same way as you do, and that is not the reality of things regarding each individuals walk with Christ.
I have met some too. Apparently Christ did also. Did you read what Christ said:
Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them,
I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
--It is not what you do, or claim to know or do, It is if Christ knows you and if you know him personally. How does one come into a personal relationship with Christ? That is the all important question! Hint: It has nothing to do with baptism. (If one says baptism then they align themselves with Hinduism more than with Christianity).
It is the blood of Christ that takes away our sin, not the waters of baptism.
The fact is , you have no respect for anyone else's faith traditions and a proper discussion can only be had on the basis of mutual respect and you cannot even admit that we are Christians. You are not a Mr. Know - It- All on the subject of the Christian faith and what is the truth of it all.
I have more respect than you know or can imagine.
I will give you an example that I hope you can relate to:
In the deadliest attack to hit the Afghan capital since 2001, a suicide bomber targeted a crowd of demonstrators in Kabul on Saturday, killing at least 83 people and wounding another 231. The attack was later claimed by the Islamic State group. If the claim is proved correct, it will mark the first time the extremists have struck the Afghan capital.
83 Dead! 231 injured! The count of the dead will rise since many of the injuries were serious.
This is done in the name of religion. It was done by a suicide bomber whose religion tells him or even guarantees him that because of his "martyrdom" he will go straight to "paradise."
Do you love this man? At least have the possibility to have had the love when he was alive? What about his family? Others in his group that he is associated with? I do. I reach out to Muslims in general on a regular basis.
It is the doctrine I hate, not the people, and the two must be divorced from each other.
The same is true with the RCC. The doctrine of the RCC is what the Bible, in 2Pet.2:1 calls, "
damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction,"
To say that through the sacrament of baptism one can get to heaven is a damnable heresy. I will lead people to hell not to heaven. It is no better than the doctrines of Islam or those of Hinduism.
"They deny the Lord that bought them."
This means that when you believe that keeping the sacraments such as baptism is a means of salvation you deny "the Lord that bought you," for He bought you with His blood, not with your sacraments. Thus this is a damnable heresy.
And the Catechism is full of them.
When I was born again the Holy Spirit, by the power of Christ, came and indwelt me and changed me, enabling me to understand the Bible, unlike you and others. I put the Bible on one side and Catholic teachings on the other. They totally contradicted each other. I had to make a choice. Which one do I follow? The choice was easy since the Bible was from God and the Catechism or the RCC was the teachings of men. I chose to follow the Bible that day and have been ever since. God has richly blessed my life, answered prayers in untold ways, and sent me to places where no one else would ever go. (I know that because no one else has ever gone, nor wants to of the ones I speak to).
Romans 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: