Since when? Give me a time, date, reason.I told you that the Catholic Church does not do that stuff anymore.
The article that I posted was written April 20, 2016, and the journalist looking into the Catholic's misdeeds of the past and present reported that it was still going on to this very day. Why should I not believe her well-written and documented research and simply, by blind faith, believe you?
I have no reason to believe your faithful propaganda. You are simply a cheerleader for the RCC.
To some, perhaps. It tries to put on a good face, or rather save face, in the public's eye. But it continues to do what it always has done behind closed doors. You just don't read it as much. It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.Yes, at one point what you are saying was true but all that was changed. The Church HAS repented and ASKED forgiveness from those wronged, it OFFERS counseling and has PAID compensation to the victims.
I expose the truth. You call it hatred.But of course because of your hatred of the Catholic Church none of that matters, you continue to stick to a wrong assessment of the situation. Your continued repeating of such lies does not make your viewpoint correct or negates what actually happens.
The truth of the matter is that you have a hatred of the real truth being presented here.
You have avoided the spiritual questions asked of you time and time again because you reject the truth. For example: Are you born again? How? When?
What does it mean to be born again?
When it comes to those questions there is complete silence.
I am not bearing false witness. I bear witness to the truth. You are a cheerleader to that which you cannot verify. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors. What access do you have into the bedrooms of the homes of all the Catholic priests?If you continue to spread these false assertions after being told the truth, you will be bearing false witness against us, a serious violation of a command from God.