The question was about the flag. Not sure what all this history has to do with how a large segment of our society views the Rebel flag and the negative emotions it brings.
Maybe you want to rethink this statement.
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The question was about the flag. Not sure what all this history has to do with how a large segment of our society views the Rebel flag and the negative emotions it brings.
If I were in SC I would want it taken down. I have changed on this after realizing the offensive nature of the flag to our black brothers and sisters.
Go back and watch old civil rights marches and watch how black Americans were treated by the white onlookers. Racial slurs, spitting on them, physical abuse and seemingly always that flag waved in their face. That generation equated that flag with those actions, and rightly so.
So for many if not most whites it's a symbol of southern heritage and culture, but i would think to most blacks (especially older) it is a symbol of incredible pain and suffering and hate. So for the sake of my fellow black Americans I would retire it to the museums.
Maybe you want to rethink this statement.
I worked in the department of correction for thirty two years. In those years I had black people for supervisors and I guarded black as well as white inmates. I also as a kid lived in Detroit in a neighborhood that had black people. I can tell you this, black people that are not Christians have a hatred for white people. I was constantly baited by black inmates to fall into their trap. Once I was ask by a black inmate, "would you let your daughter marry a black man" ? I replied, I don't have a daughter. They don't have to look at a flag as a symbol of pain and suffering, all they have to do is look at a white person and it takes them beyond pain and suffering to hate. Black people can wear t-shirts that display black power, Malcom X pictures and nothing is said.So for many if not most whites it's a symbol of southern heritage and culture, but i would think to most blacks (especially older) it is a symbol of incredible pain and suffering and hate. So for the sake of my fellow black Americans I would retire it to the museums.
I can tell you this, black people that are not Christians have a hatred for white people.*
They don't have to look at a flag as a symbol of pain and suffering, all they have to do is look at a white person and it takes them beyond pain and suffering to hate.
Black people can wear t-shirts that display black power, Malcom X pictures and nothing is said.
I do not base all my opinion on convicts. When we lived in Detroit Mich. a few years we had a plum tree in the back yard. Mother was waiting on the plums to get ripe to pick them. One morning when we awakened from sleep the tree was full of black kids picking the plums. My uncle lived across the street and had planted a garden. The black teenagers slipped across the fence and destroyed the garden. I could go on and on.Wow!
This is unbelievable. Black criminals attitude represent all blacks.
I don't see them being flown on flag poles on public property, but I do agree that Malcom X shirts are the equivalent of the Confederate flag. Thanks for making my point.
Perhaps we should all ask what's best for the Kingdom and not our own interests.
That is a pretty myopic world view.
Why is it when it is a white man's experience it is myopic but if it is a black man it is well deserved?
My opinion only. It is solely the business of the residents of those States which display it. All others should butt out.
Salty the Op ask for a opinion, I gave mine. The powers in SC have already gave in to the minority so it will be taken down.
Are we basing this conversation on one black mans anecdotal stories now or a collective opinion? They aren't the same Rev.
Leave It Up. This is Southern history.
This is a symbol of freedom of speech.
If it is taken down where will it all end. Next will be the statues of the Officer's of the Civil war. Next history will be re-wrote not even mentioning the Civil war. I talked to a man a few day's ago that sold the Confederate flags at a flea market and he told me people were buying them as fast as he could get another shipment in. Bama and his cronies have done more to create a division among races than any other president.
OK, so we cave to the TRUE racists and remove the flag!
Think that will be the end of it; and how long before a Jackson/Sharpton/ type decides that there is some other symbol they can "condemn" as "racists" and start a new drive to eliminate.
If anything, the response in Charleston should show that the Stars & Bars is nowhere racial, as that symbol is all over that area, but there has been no hesitation for the "redneck, flag waving, guns & bible thumper crowd" to reach out to the victims of the madman.
Yield on this point and there will be another before long, and then another, and then ----!
The liberals are determined to eliminate any and all history (except the "PC" version) of the south, to hide the Feds aggression in invading the south. (JMHO of course)
Oh, and as a side note, as noted already, the slaves were NOT captured under this flag, NOR transported under this flag, so why does the resentment wait until another flag that had nothing to do with slavery get to be the "bad guy"?? I have one theory -- it's because of herd mentality, nothing more nothing less. That is why removal will solve no problem, and just lead to another "flag" fiasco of some type.
Wal Mart and Amazon and Target and other have decided to not sell the Confederate flag anymore. Amazon said their sales of the Confederate flag went up over 2000% per cent in the last few days. This is what the silent majority is saying. Zaac, I know you are a black person, your speech is a dead give a way but white people have rights too.Just dumb.
It's a symbol of enslavement and white supremacy.
Pure foolishness. You sound like those folks from the 60s and "If we give them N*****s the right to vote, then they're gonna want to go to our schools and marry our sons and daughters. Where will it end?"![]()
Take your pic either way it is the same.