So if neither the origins of life, nor species changed be observed/seen, why do they see that as being factual still?
Science doesn't actually present facts. It offer theories based on the currently best known data. As we have seen, these change a other scientists build upon and expand our current view. Sometimes there's aggrandizement.
So if neither the origins of life, nor species changed be observed/seen, why do they see that as being factual still?
Actually, I believe that science deals with theories not absolute facts. There's been a discussion here about the theory of the flat earth being replaced by the idea of a spherical earth. The earth as the center of the universe was replaced by the idea that that's not the case. Newton's Laws were not replaced but extended as noted earlier by Einstein. The idea that diseases were caused by demon possession was replaced by the discovery of bacteria and other causes.
My point is science gives us the most accurate detailed view of our surroundings at a given time. There's nothing to say that our answers today will not be replaced by new discoveries tomorrow.
The only source of ultimate truth is God. We can obtain some of this now by studying the Bible and having a relationship with Him. But as you ask, why not just admit the superiority of faith versus science? The answer is we only know a small part about God's ultimate reality. As the Bible says:
1Co 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
We will understand the ultimate reality when we join Him and see Him face to face. For the time being, science provides us with the details required to advance civilization. Do you really think anyone could have discovered bacteria, designed a Space Shuttle, learned how to do heart replacement, discovered electricity, built an automobile, etc. using only the Bible for information? The obvious answer is of course not.
On the other hand, none of the prominent cosmologists have come up with an answer to the simple question: Where did all this come from in the beginning? Nor can they say where we as individuals come from before our birth and where are we going after our death. That's why I believe there is not any reason to debate science versus religion for believers. The answer is both are important but only to address the questions that are relevant to each one and don't contradict each other. I believe that God created the heavens and the earth. I don't believe that the details of exactly how He did that are provided in Genesis. As He stated His ways are much higher than our ways and His thoughts are much higher than ours. I accept that. He's God. I'm not.