Put all those books away and spend some serious time in the Bible. I would prefer that you read the whole Bible through - in a careful fashion, not just a reading plan designed to get you through in a year - so that you can get the full sweep of the story, but in your case, it will probably be better to start with the New Testament:
Set aside all of the things you have been told, and work through the gospels carefully, verse by verse, until you believe you understand at least the gist of what is being communicated. Then carefully work through the Book of Acts and notice how the first followers of Jesus faithfully carried out the mission and calling of Jesus, and did what He did. Now that you have an understanding of Paul and his life and ministry from the Book of Acts, read his letters carefully, remembering that he was writing to the many churches he had started along the way, as well as some he was hoping to visit. Then read the rest of the New Testament letters in light of everything you have learned previously.
I guarantee you will be able to see the errors of many of the people you admire after you go through the source material. Many of the people you admire have good things to say and you can learn from them, but they are not infallible authorities, and some seem to be wrong in their distinctive teachings more often than they are right.