And what would have made a difference? It would NEVER make sense because the whole story was a concocted lie. Why build an argument for the truth on a lie?
The “Jewish counsel did not place the resurrection” at all! They denied it until the last, even on Sunday morning when facing the guards, they and the Roman guard KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THE RESURRECTION. Because the guards NEVER SAW the resurrection or dead men do see. “LIKE DEAD” without having ‘seen’ anything! Both the high priests and the guard were ABLE ONLY to speculate on what THEY thought was the TRUTH: “His disciples came by night, and stole him away.” The priests and the guard struck a deal: Guards, you LIE and say “we slept”; and we, give you large sum of money.
What sense would it make if the guards said they slept? Ja well, we were on guard during day of course! You thought a Roman guard would sleep on duty? I’ll cut your head off, man! No one ever would even think of accusing a Roman guard he slept on duty! But no one would ever think to argue with a Roman guard if he slept AFTER duty, either! So we watched the tomb our total watch, for three hours after the first watch clocked off duty until midnight. It was then, “by night” we tell you Jews, that his disciples came --- by night after midnight! --- and stole the body. Any objections we go to sleep after our watch?
Meantime the TRUTH was that these guards – 100 of them – “Late in the Sabbath mid-afternoon towards the First Day of the week when suddenly there was a great earthquake … for the brilliance of his appearance fell down like dead men” before the “approach” of “the angel of the Lord”.
Time and the elapse of time do not exist for unconscious like dead men. Next thing the guard knew was that the tomb was opened and empty. They had no clue how. Nobody was near the grave of course because everybody knew the guard was on duty until midnight and that day for them would have ended. But Mary Magdalene, the guard regardless, “When being early darkness still comes and sees: The Stone! Taken away from the sepulchre! And runs, and tells Peter and (John).”
Now notice what Mary said: “THEY” – she must have thought the GUARD – “have taken him away”! Mary very well realized a Roman guard NEVER LEAVES POST. (She didn’t even think sleep on guard a possibility!) No, she thought the guard’s ORDERS MUST HAVE BEEN CHANGED because she expected the guard to have been on duty still “when being early darkness on the First Day of the week”. And that must be why Mary did not go nearer or into the tomb but straight away at the sight of the MOVED AWAY STONE, ran back. “THEY” could still have posted some guards INSIDE the tomb!
Then how is it possible the women can have the audacity to “come with spices prepared and ready” to anoint Him, “deepest morning”, according to Luke 24? Because they KNEW the specific ‘third day’ the guard was stationed, for them, expired at midnight, and so their watch. And like the guards for sure, also the women thinking the Lord was still dead, “came with their prepared spices ready” to salve the body which --- although Mary had told them of the opened tomb --- they must have thought was in the grave still. The guard on their part must have thought the disciples stole the body while they allegedly “slept” but were unconscious “like dead men”-- that, they would never admit to anyone, hey, would they?.
Every aspect points at a “broad daylight Sabbath’s Resurrection”— every word spoken by every character in the drama, every act of God, and every memory recorded by the ‘Evangelists’.