You just don't seem to understand what human freewill is.
You certainly have a right to your opinion but whether you are correct or not is another question.
It is not limited to a sin nature actually there is no such thing in scripture.
You must interpet Romans 7:14-25 and Galatians 5:16 to something else then? You must deny "the law" of indwelling sin within a Christian then? You must deny the words "neither indeed CAN be" in Romans 8:7 concerning the unregenerated or those "in the flesh" without the Spirit then (Rom. 8:8-9). If that is the case then there can be no further discusion with you as it is impossible to reason with a person who takes such a position concerning the nature of the will within the fallen man.
I will admit that all men from Adam on down have or had a propensity towards sin.
The pre-fallen Adam had no such propensity as he was created "upright" and of Lucifer it is said that sin was "found in him." The propensity to sin only is derived from the "law of" indwelling sin in the fallen nature and from no other source.
Only we have control over our desires other wise sin is not sin with out the choice to commit it.
Not according to Paul's words in Romans 7:18 concerning his will. Not according to Paul's words in Romans 8:7.
What a statement God has no control !. The truth is there is nothing impossible with my God. Because He does not choose to sin does not mean He can't if He so desired.
What determines his desires? His will? OR his Holy Nature???? Does the will control the nature or does the nature control the will? Where does your "want to" originate within you? From abstract "will" or from "intent and thoughts of the heart? Where does Jesus say all sin originates in Matthew 15? From the will or from the heart? The will is the slave of the heart not vice versa and this is true in God as much as in man.
Then why not the opposite when we are saved? We have a new nature. We have been regenerated by the power of God. We are in effect in bondage to Christ but we can still sin. Maybe this bondage to sin you talk about doesn't have full control over us.
Have you read Philippians 2:12 or Romans 7:18? Both refer to the born again man of God and his power of will or choice. Read them.
Absolute nonsense. Men have been making choices for good since the beginning. It's your blindness to the truth that is your stumbling block.
According to Paul no man has chosen to do good in an unregnerated state in God's estimation or sight - Rom. 3:10-12
According to Christ no lost man chooses "good" indeed, no man is good but God in regard to intrinsic nature - Mt. 19:17 Take a look at the Greek term translated "good" (agathos) and you will see it means intrinsic or inherent good.