Man of Steel came out this weekend. Yes I want to see it, and I do like movies as long as they are appropriate. However I do not like it when Churches try and make a Bible lesson out of Hollywood. The Bible is the authority not movies! The Bible has the power to change lives, not movies! Don't get me wrong I am not some Plymouth Brethren or Mennonite that thinks all movie theaters are too worldly to be at. Movies become sin if they come before God. We need to be BALANCED and not on the extreme. Many IFB are on the extreme that all movie theaters and movies are too worldly, and many evangelicals are on the other extreme of letting the world get into their thinking and into the church. Both views are unbiblical. Christians are in the world just not of it (Jn 17:15-19) and are the redemptive force in the culture. In order to be the redemptive force we cannot just SEPARATE from everything, nor can we let the ocean get into the ship, for the church is a ship in the ocean (the world) and we are to be out rescuing sinners from death.
We teach our children to evaluate media choices, in this case, movies, by asking themselves a series of four questions:
1. Does it pass the Phillipians 4 test?
Is it true? Is it honorable? Is it just? Is it pure? Is it lovely? Is it commendable? Is there any excellence? Is there anything worthy of praise?
2. Does it pass the Galatians 5 test?
Does it exhibit, glorify, or incite the works of the flesh, which are sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, either in thought or in deed?
Or does it exhibit, glorify, or encourage the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control?
3. Does it pass the 1 Corinthians 8 test?
Even if it's something God grants us the liberty to enjoy or engage in, would our doing it cause a weaker brother or sister in Christ to sin or to stumble in their walk with Christ?
4. Is it an idol to you?
If it's something that failed the three tests above, would you give it up? If so, then what would your attitude be about giving it up? Would you be glad to give it up, knowing it doesn't glorify God, isn't conducive to growth in Christ, and could cause a weaker brother or sister in Christ to sin or stumble in their walk with Christ?
Or would you give it up grudgingly or not give it up at all? If so, then it's an idol.