Matt Wade--sorry I wasn't more clear, since clearly you missed my point.
Those that adhere to the gap theory CAN HOLD TO A LITERAL READING OF GENESIS as well as to the rest of the Bible. And we do not have to accept evolution to do so.
In my little town we have a group very radical about taking Genesis literally, young earth creationism, etc. They basically deny even the law of gravity, holding that there are NO scientific laws. They believe gap theorists deny all the miracles of the Bible.
Personally, I take the Bible literally. So I don't pass off the sons of God intermarrying with the daughters of men as Seth's godly line. And when scripture tells me about angels leaving their first estate, I believe it.
I read Genesis literally. But within that, I do believe scripture teaches us that there was SOMETHING happened here before Genesis 1:2. I don't claim to understand all that did happen--just that it did. Whatever was here, it was created by God, and whatever happened did so because God made it happen. I don't believe either that evolution is the answer.
I do believe the fossil record points to that "something", and that it is sloppy thinking rather than faith that makes us try to fit the fossil record into Ussher's time frame.
I believe that evolution is wrong and untrue. I do believe God set scientific laws in place, and abrogates them at His will and for His purpose. I believe in a literal 6/24 creation. I believe the fossil record hints at something that took place before Genesis 1:2. (As does the Holy Bible.)
And I trust that if my puny reasonings are wrong, God will show me. Reasoning itself is not sinful, or God would not have spoken through the prophet "come let us reason together."
Those that adhere to the gap theory CAN HOLD TO A LITERAL READING OF GENESIS as well as to the rest of the Bible. And we do not have to accept evolution to do so.
In my little town we have a group very radical about taking Genesis literally, young earth creationism, etc. They basically deny even the law of gravity, holding that there are NO scientific laws. They believe gap theorists deny all the miracles of the Bible.
Personally, I take the Bible literally. So I don't pass off the sons of God intermarrying with the daughters of men as Seth's godly line. And when scripture tells me about angels leaving their first estate, I believe it.
I read Genesis literally. But within that, I do believe scripture teaches us that there was SOMETHING happened here before Genesis 1:2. I don't claim to understand all that did happen--just that it did. Whatever was here, it was created by God, and whatever happened did so because God made it happen. I don't believe either that evolution is the answer.
I do believe the fossil record points to that "something", and that it is sloppy thinking rather than faith that makes us try to fit the fossil record into Ussher's time frame.
I believe that evolution is wrong and untrue. I do believe God set scientific laws in place, and abrogates them at His will and for His purpose. I believe in a literal 6/24 creation. I believe the fossil record hints at something that took place before Genesis 1:2. (As does the Holy Bible.)
And I trust that if my puny reasonings are wrong, God will show me. Reasoning itself is not sinful, or God would not have spoken through the prophet "come let us reason together."