The Socinian expositor, who affects subtilty and curiosity, affirms, “That
by mount Sion, either heaven itself, or rather a spiritual mountain, whose
roots are on the earth, and whose top reacheth unto heaven, from whence
we may easily enter into heaven itself, is intended:” wherein he understood
nothing himself of what he wrote; for it is not sense, nor to be understood.
And the reason he gives, namely, “That Sion in the Scripture is more
frequently taken for heaven than the church,” is so far from truth, that he
cannot give any one instance where it is so taken.
But to know the true reason why the apostle calls the state of believers under the new testament
by the name of Sion, we may consider some of the things that are spoken of Sion in the Scripture. And I shall instance in a few only, because theyare multiplied throughout the whole Book of God; as,
(1.) It is the place of God’s habitation, where he dwells for ever, Psalm 9:11, 76:2;Joel 3:21, etc.
(2.) It is the seat of the throne, reign, and kingdom of Christ,
Psalm 2:6; Isaiah 24:23; Micah 4:7.
(3.) It is the object of divine promises innumerable, Psalm
69:35, Isaiah 1:27; of Christ himself, Isaiah 59:20.
(4.) Thence did the gospel proceed, and the law of Christ come
forth,Isaiah 40:9; Micah 4:2.
(5.) It was the object of God’s especial love, and the place of the
birth of the elect, Psalm 87:2,5.
(6.) The joy of the whole earth, Psalm 48:2.
(7.) Salvation, and all blessings came forth out of Sion, Psalm
14:7, 110:2, 128:5; with sundry other things alike glorious.
Now these things were not spoken of nor accomplished towards that
mount Sion which was in Jerusalem absolutely, but only as it was typical of
believers under the gospel.
So the meaning of the apostle is, that by the
gospel believers do come unto that state wherein they have an interest in,
and a right unto, all the blessed and glorious things that are spoken in the
Scriptures concerning and unto Sion.
All the privileges ascribed, all the
promises made unto it, are theirs. Sion is the place of God’s especial
gracious residence, of the throne of Christ in his reign, the subject of all
graces, the object of all promises, as the Scripture abundantly testifies.
This is the first privilege of believers under the gospel. They “come unto
mount Sion;” that is, they are interested in all the promises of God made
unto Sion, recorded in the Scripture, in all the love and care of God
expressed towards it, in all the spiritual glories assigned unto it. The things
spoken of it were never accomplished in the earthly Sion, but only
typically; spiritually,