...is getting his clock cleaned.
Really fed up with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Ever since he's been speaker , he has funded everything democrats want. Might as well have a democrat majority with him as weak kneed Speaker. He has no guts at all. Just another big spending republican.
If Trump signs the Omnibus budget, he will help defeat everything he promised voters. In spite of his bragging and mouthy tweets, he will show himself to be every bit as weak as Ryan. And he said he would sign it.
Trump will be a one term president if he doesn't start fighting the agenda of the left...like he promised. With no one to fight for it and against the destructive policies of the left, this country is going straight down the toilet.
Thoroughly disgusted and downhearted.
Really fed up with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Ever since he's been speaker , he has funded everything democrats want. Might as well have a democrat majority with him as weak kneed Speaker. He has no guts at all. Just another big spending republican.
If Trump signs the Omnibus budget, he will help defeat everything he promised voters. In spite of his bragging and mouthy tweets, he will show himself to be every bit as weak as Ryan. And he said he would sign it.
Trump will be a one term president if he doesn't start fighting the agenda of the left...like he promised. With no one to fight for it and against the destructive policies of the left, this country is going straight down the toilet.
Thoroughly disgusted and downhearted.