walking on water is a violation of natural law not the laws of logic.
:thumbs: YUP!!! There are obviously some serious mistaken notions about what logic IS and ISN'T. Miracles in no way violate laws of logic. In fact...it is logic which let's us understand that what we are observing is, in fact, a miracle. In point of fact I believe absolutely no laws are MORE fundamental and un-breakable than the laws of logic. I believe logic is what we observe to be the consistency and order in a consistent and unchanging and non-chaotic God. Logic is something I believe which actually eminates
From God. God MADE the natural laws, the Bible teaches Christ
sustains them actively. Without God's intentionally sustaining them, natural law would decay and result in chaos. God can break or not break laws of Chemistry Physics etc... all day, he
concieved of them in his mind. Logic
IS his mind. The status of being a supremely logical being is (I believe) a property that God possesses more than anything else.
What God cannot do, is break the laws of logic. They are a facet of WHO HE IS. God cannot create a rock so heavy he cannot lift it. God cannot make a married bachelor. In short, God is incapable of non-sense in the same way he is incapable of lying or sinning. It is not WHO he is, and he cannot DO or BE anything other than who and what he is.
The worst thing to happen to an understanding of logic is Star Trek...I love the show, but half the time some vulcan claims that something IS or IS NOT logical, I scratch my head and think: What does
logic have to do with that question?? I honestly believe whoever initially began writing those scripts had no idea what logic is and isn't.