I agree....but DHK denies Jesus is King.....he believes satan rules instead
I don't think that is a reasonable conclusion, and think it's just a matter that he takes the same view I do, which is that while we, you, I, and DHK, understand that Christ is King of Kings, you, I, and DHK may not equate that in the same way in regards to our current circumstances.
Right now, we don't have to look far to see that Satan's influence in this world is dominant. An example would be, "Do we see Christ as King of the Muslim world?"
The answer would be no, because they reject the Biblical Christ.
But for those of us who are looking for that moment in time when Christ Returns and assumes complete control over the world, we see that in that time will be the exercise of Divine Authority over the entire earth, and this in a literal sense.
Consider when Satan tempted Christ, he offered up the kingdoms of this world. Doesn't mean, even then, that God's Sovereignty wasn't the ultimate power. But, that authority will (and keep in mind this is from a premillennial perspective) be put down when the literal Return we look for takes place.
I actually view that authority to be imposed even just before Christ Returns:
Revelation 11:15
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
(ignore emphasis, a result of my search (easy way to pull up the verse))
I see this as roughly mid-point of the Tribulation, and this is where the freedom Satan has had basically ends. At this point, Satan is the "god of this world" in the sense of the power allowed him, and we can see his influence in the governments of the world today.
What we contrast this current state of conditions with is the Theocracy that we see coming, where even false prophets will seek to disguise their beliefs and doctrine, quite unlike our current conditions, where not only are false teachers rampant, but they are very prosperous and thriving.
Just as in the Parables given, the King is still the King, the Master still the Master, but, the King Himself gave us teaching to illustrate the conditions when He was not directly with the servants.
God bless.