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The Hell-a-vision

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by sanderson1769, Apr 2, 2006.

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  1. Gershom

    Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    All things?
  2. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I was mainly referring to TV, not to 'sinful' things. Those we should try to leave alone - once we all agree on what they are. :eek:

    Yes, our children have different personalities. It is up to us, as parents, to figure which children have what and work on the good and disparage the bad. In other words, we may not be able to reward, disclipine, etc. in the same ways.

    They still may turn out 'wrong', but we love them anyway.

    God has trouble with His children, we will surely have trouble with ours...
  3. samarelda

    samarelda New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    ME! We have not watched any TV in several months. </font>[/QUOTE]Me too Mex--I grew up without a TV and we had not had one since getting married (almost 14 years) until about a year ago. The kids have guitar and clarinet lesson DVD's and sign language DVD's. We also watch a movie as a family on Friday nights now. We cannot get "real" TV on it. Just play DVD's. We also have a couple of video games but the kids have to earn tokens to play them. They get a token for each chore, school subject, and instrument practiced for the day and at the end of the week they each have to turn in their designated amount of tokens or no video game hour on Saturday. It works great--I never have to wash dishes anymore!!

    I don't mind the kids watching one movie a week. Just not every day. I'd much rather have them reading or playing in the woods or with the goats. I love looking out my kitchen window and seeing kids and goats running all over the place.

    I haven't seen real TV for so long that I have no idea what is even on there. Don't really care either. I'd much rather read a book.
  4. Frenchy

    Frenchy New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    What are sinful things? some here think TV is sinful. please expand!
  5. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    That is between each person and God unless He has specifically named them as sin in the Bible.

    That's where convictions and preferences come into play.

    You may see something as sinful that I do not and vice versa.

    My convictions are not likely to change or they wouldn't be convictions. OTOH, my preferences do change from time to time.
  6. Frenchy

    Frenchy New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    I agree Blessed [​IMG] been my stand all along
  7. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    I watched that and cried, again. You'd think by now I'd either not watch or not cry.

    What's for dinner?
    We're having fish. An enormous fish!
  8. Frenchy

    Frenchy New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    seems this discussion should be moved to "OTHER DISCUSSION" forum
  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Gayla, I don't think I've EVER watched an episode and not cried. No matter HOW many times I've seen the same one. If the characters cry - I cry.
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Nah, Frenchy. All threads on the BB get sidetracked and off topic at least three or four times. [​IMG]

    And we ARE still talking about TV. [​IMG]
  11. Gershom

    Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    So what does this say about a man who has been called of God to speak on His behalf, believing in his heart that watching TV is sinful? It doesn't appear to be negotiable to him. In his mind, it's flat-out wrong. Do we sit under these kind of pastors/preachers and walk out in disagreement? Where does it stop, or how much disagreement is okay? One disagreement? Two? Three?
  12. Linda64

    Linda64 New Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Don't know where this discussion is at now---but one thing I am picking up here is that the TV itself is not evil, it is the evil in man's heart. We choose to watch or not to watch TV--go on the internet, etc. Ron and I hardly ever watch TV--we sometimes buy a good movie on a DVD--other than that, most TV is a waste of time--at least, that's what I think.

    What really turned me off about sanderson's message was, first of all, his choice of words, then the fact that he would smash a TV in front of his congregation--what kind of message was that sending to the children in that congregation?

    And lastly, his silence on this board. He has not responded to any of the posts--makes ya wonder :confused:
  13. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Im with Linda.....Ive seen the same on other message boards as well.
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I have set under preachers that I did not totally agree with, but that's all right. I didn't leave the church. They were men of God whom I could discuss issues with - not change their mind, but discuss issues.

    I, like Linda, feel that this preacher is a bit 'over the top' and I also don't like the fact that he starts threads all over the board and never sticks around to comment on them OR defend his position when he is questioned. That's smacks of 'troll' to me.

    INHO, I think he just wants to get people to listen to his sermons and if that's what he wants, he certainly got it judging by the number of people, on this thread alone, who have gone to his web site and listened.

    I read the newspaper everyday and find lots of things I don't agree with, but I don't stop buying it.

    Bedtime for this gal. I will catch y'all tomorrow.

    TV or not TV...that is the question.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  15. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    An enoooooormous fish! LOL!

    I never saw the Five Mile show, but I do see that it's offered for sale, so maybe I'll check it out some day! The only thing I really remember watching in the 80's was a video tape of Winnie the Pooh that my little brother had.

    I'm terribly ignorant of most of what was/is, as television/movies haven't been a part of my life for about 90% of it. I do think I've finally caught all of the Little House episodes though! :D So, any suggestions on decent programming or movies are welcome.

    Oh, except for a show called Beverly Hills 90210. A certain person, who shall remain unnamed, was obsessed with it and made me tape it while he was at work so he wouldn't miss episodes, and made me watch it with him while he was home. (would become angry if I said no, so I did) There's a question for Sanderson. Did I sin by obeying my husband? Should I have disobeyed because it was sinful to watch, and taken the consequences of his anger?

    Maybe that'll send this off on another 50 pages. HA!
  16. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Oh Gina, just the previews for that show used to make me upset. But I still think ya had to obey your hubby.

    I asked my wise and wonderful hubby about this TV-smashing thing just this afternoon. Ive heard of other preachers doing this, as well, but its always been in a youth group type situation, talking about giving up those things that are causing us to falter in our spiritual walk....that sort of thing....and not in a church service type setting. My husband's response to this was that "No method is always appropriate for ALL audiences." Meaning, some people might NEED to have something a bit more shocking (perhaps not THIS severe), others won't respond to such a thing and will be offended. A preacher must know his audience, and must preach what his people need.
  17. Gershom

    Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    So we should put up service ratings on the sign out front? Anyhow, smashing a TV is not preaching. It's entertainment. A circus act. But it might draw in some people who are curious to see a side show. Maybe he could put that in a book on how to draw them in and keep 'em coming.

    Stick with teaching the word of God and allow the Spirit of God convict and guide.
  18. Gershom

    Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    Double post.
  19. rbell

    rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Bapmom, you can't just take the TV smashing and isolate it out of its context. His tirade was what he said should be a man's response to his family that asks about the TV.

    I'm less concerned with what he taught about TV that I am with what he taught about family relationships and being a Godly husband and father.
  20. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Im not defending this particular sermon, per se....remember I haven't listened to it. So Im only referring in a general way to the idea of smashing a TV. I thought that by now in the discussion it was ok to get more general, especially since the OPer has apparently abandoned the discussion.
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