Isaiah 8:20.
'To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.’
First of all, I’d like to explain what I mean by the word,
1. I do not believe that all miracles have ceased today. Every time someone is saved it is a miracle of God’s power and grace, and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. However, I do not believe that there are ‘workers of miracles’ (1 Cor. 12:10) today.
2. I believe that God sometimes heals today according to His will. I have some experience of this which I am happy to relate if anyone is interested. I think many people have testimonies of God healing in answer to prayer. However, I do not believe that there are miraculous ‘gifts of healing’ (1 Cor. 12:9) today.
3. I believe in prophetic ministry today. I believe that preaching is prophetic in that it ‘tells forth’ the words of God. What I do not believe remains today is the gift of ‘foretelling’- seeing the future. Also, I do not believe that anyone can bind the conscience of a Christian by anything outside the Bible.
What I understand as
Cessationism is the belief that certain gifts which were given to the church were never intended to be continued indefinitely but were for the infancy of the Church. A parallel to this is God’s dealings with Israel in the wilderness. They received miraculous supplies of manna, water and quail; their feet did not swell and their shoes did not wear out. The day they crossed into Canaan, the manna ceased (Joshua 5:12) and the other items are not mentioned again, so I assume they did as well. I believe that the same principle applies in the N.T. Certain gifts were supplied to the infant church which were discontinued when it reached maturity.
If we look at the list of gifts listed in Eph 4:11, we see that the first gift is
Apostles. I believe that there are no Apostles today. If you agree with me then you are a Cessationist because you agree that at least one of the gifts has now ceased. The qualifications for an apostle are listed in Acts 1:22, and one of them is that he must have seen the risen Christ. Therefore Paul asks,
“Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord?” (1 Cor 9:1). Later he describes himself as the last apostle (1 Cor 15:8). Therefore we conclude that there are no apostles today- not even C. J. Mahaney.
Having established the principle of Cessationism- that not all the gifts were intended to be permanent- we can move on to the second gift, that of prophets. We need to consider Ephesians 2:20 where Paul describes Christians as,
‘having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets….’ How many foundations does a building need? Surely only one? And when is the foundation put in place? At the very beginning, of course. The foundation of God’s Church is in place, in the doctrine of the apostles and prophets found in the Holy Scriptures. We need no prophets now, for we have
‘The prophetic word confirmed’ (2 Peter 1:19) in the Bible.
[Taken from my blog post
Cessationism. Have the Sign Gifts Ceased? Read more there]