God once caused a donkey to speak. Do I believe that He can do it again if He wishes? Absolutely.
There is a Donkey Sanctuary quite near to where I live. Do I hang around there waiting for a donkey to speak? No. Do I believe that all donkeys can speak and only keep quiet because they have nothing worthwhile to say? No again.
I think that most Christians have experience of God answering prayer in remarkable ways. I think they also have experience of God NOT answering prayer.
Older members here will remember John Wimber who wrote a book called "Power Evangelism," claiming that Christians should go around doing miracles as the Lord Jesus did to impress and convert the lost. At some point, Wimber was diagnosed with cancer, and a whole pile of his charismatic friends came round to pray for him and claim his healing in Jesus' name. Wimber died of cancer.
The greatest miracle today is the New Birth, which is the raising of the spiritually dead to life (Eph. 1:15-21). Do I believe that God can raise the dead? Do I believe that He is doing that very thing today for millions of people all over the world? Absolutely. It happened to me!
The miracles of conversion are the greatest and most important miracles.
The perfect prayer is “ Thy Will be done “, you aren’t pressing an outcome other than God’s Will be done. It’s perfect abandonment to God’s Will.
Many physical infirmities provide a spiritual good, suffering is an important lever in correcting spiritual maladies. We say character building, but it is growth in virtue. You get more patience, kindness and understanding out of person who has been through suffering, they are better people. Growth in virtue is growth in Jesus, Jesus has all the Virtues.
Sometimes a persons infirmities are meant for others to growth a heart in caring for them.
A hard, ruthless business man only be interested in accumulation, sees his child sick in hospital, he would give everything he has piled up to see his child well. His wealth and avarice gets broken in the face of his child’s suffering. He may even cry out to God for the first time witnessing that suffering, breaking his pride and self sufficiency as he falls to his knees.
I remember a priest who had a catastrophic car accident, he had to learn to walk and talk again. He had brain injury and could only hobble around carrying out his duties.
He said “ I don’t know why God has done this to me, I have given up everything for him “ with tears in his eyes.
I said “ Father, I knew you before your accident and after your accident. You are a much better man after your accident. “
This had a powerful effect on him, like he finally realised something.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Holy Will.
The disposition is openness to God’s Will, with faith that His Will is perfect, right and just, no matter the outcome.
I remember John Wimber as well, still have some books of his. Not sure if he understood what I am talking about, because there was a strong element of the human will being exercised.
God’s Will is something you live in, a Kingdom of His Sovereignty and Will, not just something you try to do or force with your human will.