I am certainly concerned about my sins and understand the need to continually repent and turn away from them. God will ultimately be the judge of Trump not me. I'm talking about Trump's behavior as an American and President. I find it to be unacceptable. I believe we should demand from our leaders a basic level of morality and truthfulness which I don't find in Trump..
Our Church leaders have a certain standard to uphold. We look to Titus and Timothy for them. It's very different from the standard of Government Authorities, which are not always Christians and not required to be Christians. For them, Romans 13 is the standard, and Trump does very will in this area. The standard for governing officials is very simple. Protect the innocent and punish the guilty.
The most basic qualification for a government authority is his stand on life. Does he believe in protecting all human life, or just some lives? Trump is the most pro-life president we've had in recent years. Obama, OTOH, was pro-murder and failed the Romans 13 test.
Trump has also shown a willingness to punish the guilty. He is pro-death penalty, and willing to kill foreign enemies and protect our nation.
That is the standard. Simple! Not easy, but simple.