Was there a literal Adam and Eve?
Was there a literal talking serpent which was, only after talking the man and woman to eat the forbidden fruit, sentenced to slither on its belly?
Was there a literal Noah and his ark, and a flood that covered the highest mountain peak?
Was there a literal Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
Did the sun literally stay 'in the sky' for hours longer than the length of the longest day in the Middle East?
Was Elijah literally taken to heaven on a fiery chariot?
Did many dead people literally rise on the day Jesus was crucified?
Will Jesus literally rule the earth for 1000 years, with many of 'us' as his loyal nobles, per se?
Will stars literally fall to earth?
Will the moon literally become blood?
Is there literally a red dragon and a creature from the sea that will torment mankind?
Is there a literal lake of fire that will torture the vast majority of humanity for eternity?