A False Seal which Purports to be of God, but is the Mark of the Beast.
Saying: Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our God in their foreheads (Rev. 7:3, Modern-day Douay-Rheims Bible).
The 1582 Rheims New Testament in English was unique because its mission was to counteract the several Protestant English Bible translations which contained glosses antithetical to the teachings of Rome. Furthermore, this Roman Catholic Bible had several significant translation differences which contradicted the Protestant translations. And last but not least, the Protestant Geneva Bibles identified the Roman Church as Mystery Babylon, the Papacy and its members the Antichrist. The Roman Church used their Jesuit-inspired Rheims New Testament as a weapon of defense against the accusations of the ‘Calvinist heretics,’ naming the Reformers ‘the forerunners of Antichrist.’
The Rheims NT marginal gloss on Rev. 7:3 reads, “It is an allusion to the sign of the Cross which the faithful bear in their foreheads, to show they be not ashamed of Christ.”
The Roman Catholic obsession with the ‘sign of the cross’ has been noted in
this post.
This ‘sign of the cross’ is the means by which the ‘mark’ or ‘character’ is given by the priest or bishop (See
this post).
Incredibly, the terminology used is exactly that of their Bible translation concerning ‘mark of the beast.’ In addition, it is given on the forehead of the recipient. Coincidence or prophecy fulfilled?
Now let us examine the Douay-Rheims' marginal gloss and in-depth annotations on 2 Corinthians 1:22:
Who also hath sealed us, and given the pledge of the Spirit in our hearts.
Gloss: “The indelible character of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders.”
Annotations: “The learned Divines by this place and by the like in the fourth to the Ephesians [v. 10] , that the Sacrament of Baptism doth not only give grace, but imprinteth and
sealeth the soul of the baptized, with a spiritual sign,
mark, badge, or token, which can never be blotted out, neither by sin, heresy, apostasy, or other ways, but remaineth forever in man for the cognizance of his Christendom, and for distinction from others which were never of Christ’s fold, by which also he is as it were consecrated and deputed to God, made capable and partaker of the rights of the Church, and subject to her laws and discipline……..As the like indelible characters given also by the Sacraments of Confirmation and Orders, so make those also irreiterable and never to be received but once.”
In other words, no matter the depth of depravity of the Roman Catholic baptized, confirmed sinner, he will always have the indelible mark of God and Christianity upon his soul.
If that isn’t the Devil’s doctrine, I don’t know what is.
Let’s now evaluate the fruit of a son of the Roman Catholic Church who was baptized and confirmed, having received the indelible character of God and Church upon his soul.
His name is Adolph Hitler.
Brother Adolph took the indelible mark on his soul, as proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church, when he was
baptized and confirmed a son of Holy Mother the Church.
Below is an
oil painting by brother Adolph depicting ‘Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ,’ proving the efficacy of his ‘sealing.’
Unfortunately, there was leakage in brother Adolph’s seal, resulting in his being personally responsible for the slaughter of millions upon millions of Jews and Gentiles.
NEXT: 144,000 Jews of circumcised flesh or 144,00 Jews whose hearts were circumcised by the Spirit?