"Calvinists", at least the ones that I am aware of, have never stated that in any piece of writing or verbage that I have been exposed to.
I've also seen and heard that charge leveled at them for years now, that they teach that God makes His children into obedient zombies.
He doesn't.
Rather, He changes their nature...making them perfectly willing to go along with God, despite their sinful flesh, and that they wrestle with doing God's will on occasion because of it.
Their new nature is to do God's will, but their flesh wants to do the opposite ( Romans 7:14-25, Galatians 5:17 ).
"Twisted his arm?"
I agree, from a certain point of view.
In Jonah's case, he hated the people of Nineveh because of their wickedness and because they were enemies of the Jews...and he wanted God to judge them; God's purpose was to send Jonah and have him preach repentance to them...he ran the other direction, God firmly convinced His wayward servant that it was in his best interests to obey Him, and so Jonah had a change of heart when he was forced to sit in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 nights contemplating his relationship with God.
Similar to Job, he "saw" that God was just a
little larger than what Jonah had initially given Him credit for, and that God's will gets done whether or not men like to do it.
In some places they call it, "having an attitude adjustment".
In the case of God's children, the nature is changed and they then begin to naturally gravitate towards doing His will and listening to Him, instead of fighting Him and ignoring Him.
But again, they sometimes wrestle with obeying Him.