Ran the Man
Active Member
I got this reading another post.
"This only have I found: God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes."
Ecclesiates 7:29
Who is the author of our sin? Most certainly not God. This is not to say God could not be otherwise, but to His credit He chooses to be righteous. God does as His nature is, and His nature is as He does. but he could possibly have done otherwise.
Man is made in God's image. He could be righteous, but he CHOSE evil. Now that tendency is inherited by his offspring
If God made man anything but upright, He would be unrighteous, because He would be guilty of creating evil.
Here is my point: God cannot create one for hell and one for heaven. To do so would be to create evil. Therefore double predestination and limited atonement cannot be correct.
To quote an old rap song:
" A child is born with no state of mind, blind to the ways of mankind."
"This only have I found: God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes."
Ecclesiates 7:29
Who is the author of our sin? Most certainly not God. This is not to say God could not be otherwise, but to His credit He chooses to be righteous. God does as His nature is, and His nature is as He does. but he could possibly have done otherwise.
Man is made in God's image. He could be righteous, but he CHOSE evil. Now that tendency is inherited by his offspring
If God made man anything but upright, He would be unrighteous, because He would be guilty of creating evil.
Here is my point: God cannot create one for hell and one for heaven. To do so would be to create evil. Therefore double predestination and limited atonement cannot be correct.
To quote an old rap song:
" A child is born with no state of mind, blind to the ways of mankind."