Your answer makes no sense.
I believe the number is 613, and it refers to the OT, but I think you know that. The unverified 1050 is irrelevant.
God put a limit on "10" when he handed them to Moses, written with his own hand, on two tablets made of stone. There were not nine, and not eleven, but ten.
However, in the rest of the law were far more than just ten. All together there was 613. God put it there. And God limited the revelation that he gave to man to 613 in the law of the OT. Keep things in context and don't throw in red herrings.
There are also commands given in the Koran. But like the NT, it wasn't written yet. Both then are irrelevant.
... and Jesus Christ put back the limit on "1" when He handed it to the JEWS mind you telling them HIMSELF, on it hangs all Law, even the one to love one's neighbour as oneself. This time you - the Gentiles AS the Jews - wrote with your own hands all the laws you all of you all ages your history transgressed, "on my back" with "furrows" of blood LIKE God, on “the two tablets made of stone”, with his own finger "ploughed".
There were not nine, and not eleven; not ten, and not 613, or 1050, but 1. Ironically on that 1 hang and still hangs one to human nature so repugnant law: It says, "Thou shalt ... NOT LIE!" None hated more by humanity except perhaps another: "Remember the day The Sabbath Day OF THE LORD GOD."
Could it be hated MORE "FOR ON" it - "FOR ON the day The Seventh Day", God, SAVED?! Hate, yes, like Sundaydarians like Sabbatharians rejoice in.
Hate --- is it included in the 613 or and in the 1050? I wonder; every Christian seems he couldn't care less the fact he so easily and eagerly feels FREE to hate definable and or un-definable but most of all the Fourth of the Ten.
Hate --- is it included in the 613 or and in the 1050? Or do the 613 or and 1050 HANG ON IT, HATE?
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