Darron Steele
New Member
I said no such thing. You have an inventive imagination.>The Gospel in Scripture is NOT the plan of salvation.
Why does there have to be a "plan of salvation?"
You saying it is merely a human interpretation of the text?
My words that followed were as so:
As anyone can see, what I meant was explained.The Gospel is the story of what Christ did for us. Read 1 Corinthians 15. Where the KJV has "gospel" the ICB translates the Greek as "Good News" and rightly so. The Gospel is the Good News about Jesus Christ.
The Gospel is not about us. You will not see any indication in Scripture that the Gospel is about things we do. The Gospel = the Good News about what Jesus Christ has done for us.
We can hold different plans of salvation and still be spreading the same Gospel.
The problem with the Galatians is that someone was preaching a different Gospel: that Jesus Christ did not change anything. THAT is a different Gospel if there ever was any.
To my knowledge, all church groups are sharing the same Good News about what Jesus Christ did for us.
Now, as you seem to do little on this board anymore except take off-topic shots at the written Word of God and discourage believing God's Book, I have no desire to discuss anything with you.
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