Truth Files:
Here is where you and I begin our debate in earnest based on your claim:
First, let's be clear:
Are you claiming the 70th Week ITSELF begins at any the
Signs of Seal 6?
Most PreTribbers place these Signs seven years AFTER the Rapture.
PreWrath people place them Months/Years before the 70th Seven ends.
What evidence can you give that these signs PRECEDE the Tribulation?
Truth Files:
Here is where you and I begin our debate in earnest based on your claim:
There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars related to events upon the earth, but all of this will be part of the 70th week and not before....the beginning of this time frame will come suddenly and with no warning....and it will begin like this: Here you quote the Signs of the Day of Wrath. Rev.6:12-16
First, let's be clear:
Are you claiming the 70th Week ITSELF begins at any the
Signs of Seal 6?
Most PreTribbers place these Signs seven years AFTER the Rapture.
PreWrath people place them Months/Years before the 70th Seven ends.
What evidence can you give that these signs PRECEDE the Tribulation?