It's funny to read.
The vast majority of US people is against any " socialist " concept, so marxist i guess even more.
I understand the socialism or let's say communism, are scaring concepts for a very liberal (in terms of economy) and capitalistic country. It's not your culture, that's all, and it's been told so many times that " welfare state is bad " that most learned their lesson carefully and feel it like part of their identity. The example of USSR was a sad example of application of " communism ", like it is in China, North Korea or Cuba. It doesn't seem to work.
I respect this, that's part of why we're debating here, to confront our ideas, and sometimes mitigate what we thought to be the only possible concept in economics or politics. I learn much here about how things work over there, and to be honest, i envy some concepts or political ideas i'd like to have applied here, but not everything. No nation, nor country has all the cards, or knows better in everything than all the other. Maybe there're things done in some other countries that do work. Why don't you give it a try, like your president seems to do ? I've read an article about the fact USA where much less unilateral, but much more multilateral than they ever were with the other nations. That's great.
You're a nation that has nothing to do with marxism or socialism, and it'll not happen, because you're so much opposed to " welfare " things, to the " Feds ", and so on ... so stop using the Coué method, by repeating yourselves " We're becoming a socialist country, We're becoming a socialist country, We're becoming a socialist country .... ". Maybe at the end, and by reading articles that comfort you in that direction, you'll end up truly believing it. But that's not because you'll believe it that it'll be the truth. It's so so so far from it, believe me. Maybe you can claim you don't want more " welfare state " or " state interventionism ", but " socialism " or " marxism " are not adequate words.
To come back to the thread, your president doesn't deserve comparisons to Hitler. He was elected by let's say, half the people, and even if a part in the opposing half will always find bad anything he'll do, i don't think it's possible for him to go in such a way as it was mentioned, in dictatorship.
Take some distance please.