Are ANY choices/decisions ever done that either he did not cause to ne made, or else permitted it to have happened that way?
Gonna basically repeat myself and to none avail...but, I went ahead and bolded the two words you are using as equivocal and wrongly so....
Cause: That is ONE word with a distinct meaning
Permitted: A completely different word with an alternative meaning....
You play the same game of equivocation with your last sentence here....and I will bold (yet again) the words you are equivocating with:
Is there anything done outside of his absolute knowledge or control?
Knowledge: One word, with a distinct and also Universally un-debated meaning from every Baptist including the entire spectrum of Open Theist to Supra-lapsarian Calvinist <----(The only intelectually honest form)
Control: Yet a different word with its own personal place in any given Webster's Dictionary, and therefore it's own implications which, generally speaking imply at minimum some form of causation which is not even remotely implied in the definition of "knowledge".....You know this, of course.....But so what! De-railing threads is fun isn't it?
You Played the same game of equivocating words in the post I responded to earlier...Thus, for the sake of lurkers only (and not yours, as you are un-teachable).... I will Bold yet again where you play fast and loose with words as though they contained no meaning:
A concept with one particular meaning
An utterly different concept with an utterly different meaning.................................You know this, of course (I think) but, YOU couldn't care less.
Maybe it will help some innocent lurkers you subject to your non-sense